4.2.2 Defining a Species

a definition of species as members of populations that actually or potentially interbreed in nature.
biological species definition
a definition of species that explains differences in form and behavior as the result of adaptations to the environment and natural selection.
ecological species definition
the study of organism classifications and taxonomies developed and used largely by Indigenous peoples and other cultural groups.
alteration of the frequencies of alleles in a population that results from interbreeding with organisms from another population.
gene flow
areas where two distinct species mate and produce offspring
hybrid zones
the genetic variation seen between two species.
interspecific variation
the genetic variation seen within a species.
intraspecific variation
a definition of species based on individuals all possessing specific derived traits.
phylogenetic species definition
conditions that prevent potentially interbreeding populations from breeding.
reproductive isolation

The content of this course has been taken from the free Anthropology textbook by Openstax