16.4.1 Cultural Identities

Think about sporting team uniforms or a clothing style worn by members of a musical group. Each outfit on its own may not be distinct or significant, but when worn by a group of athletes or musicians and their fans, they become a source of identity. Since prehistoric times, art, music, and sports have been a source of cultural identity. Arts and sports have been intertwined with several human rights movements and the push for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Music has been a means of coded language for escape. Sports have long been a platform for cultural identity and has presented opportunities for cultural evolution and resistance. The Olympics are just one example of a sporting event that is linked deeply with national identity and nation pride.

A delegation of people march with a flag. Behind them, other groups of people stand with flags.
Figure 16.20 The opening ceremonies of the Olympic games are celebrations of national identity and nation pride. (credit: “The team of Chile at the opening ceremony of the 1912 Summer Olympics” by photographer of IOC/Official Olympic Report/Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)
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The content of this course has been taken from the free Anthropology textbook by Openstax