11.2.1 Reading and Using Kinship Charts

a contractual relationship by marriage or mutual agreement that is depicted as a double line on the kinship chart.
affinal tie
a biological (bloodline) connection between individuals that is indicated by a single line on a kinship chart; it is considered to be a permanent tie that cannot be broken.
consanguineal tie
individuals who are believed to be connected by blood or who have an enduring kindship bond across generations.
the starting point for the kinship chart; used to read relationships as alignments between EGO and other individuals.
the family unit in which EGO was raised and nurtured as a child and adolescent.
family of orientation
the family that EGO produces, usually as a result of marriage.
family of procreation
the sum of kinship relationships that is defined through EGO.

The content of this course has been taken from the free Anthropology textbook by Openstax