Indonesian - The lion, the witch and the wardrobe 17 - Chapter 1-p

is not /no (b)bukan
isn't it? /Wouldn't it?Bukankah?
more (l)lebih
good /well /nice /greatbaik
betterlebih baik
Wouldn't it be better... /Isn't it better...Bukankah lebih baik...
all (s)semua
we all /all of uskita semua
All of us sleepkita semua tidur.
Wouldn't it be better we all (go to) sleep?Bukankah lebih baik kita semua tidur?
Wouldn't it be better we all (go to) sleep?, said Lucy.'Bukankah lebih baik kita semua tidur?' kata Lucy.
surely /certainly (p)pasti
there isada
there will beakan ada
to punishmenghukum
to punish usmenghukum kita
if wekalau kita
to punish us if wemenghukum kita kalau kita
to soundterdengar
nice/great (b)bagus
that sounds great(itu) terdengar bagus
to chatmengobrol
we chatkita mengobrol
we sound like chatting /we are heard chattingkita terdengar mengobrol
we are still chattingkita masih mengobrol
like thisbegini
we are still chatting like thiskita masih mengobrol begini
We are heard to still be chatting like thiskita terdengar masih mengobrol begini
to punish us if we are heard still chatting like thismenghukum kita kalau kita terdengar masih mengobrol begini
Someone will surely punish us /Surely there will be (someone) to punish uspasti akan ada yang menghukum kita
Certainly s. o. will punish us if we are heard still chatting like this.Pasti akan ada yang menghukum kita kalau kita terdengar masih mengobrol begini.