一日 first day of the month اليوم الاول | tsuitachi |
اليوم الثاني | futsuka |
السياسة | seiji |
助けて たすけて help! | tasukete |
手洗い restroom, lavatory, toilet | tearai |
clothes | fuku |
police | keisatsu |
シんそう Seems like i'm going to die , When things get really serious, you may need to pull out all the stops. | shinsou |
Danger - خطير | kiken |
What happened? | doushita |
Why? | doushite |
質問 しつもん Question | shitsumon |
会社員 company employee | kaishain |
Manga caffe | manga kissa |
I'm hungry - ⚠ very casual - (use onaka suita instead) | hara hetta |
黒 くろ Black (guilt, guilty person) | kuro |
この黒板は黒でなく緑だ。This blackboard is green, not black. | kono kokuban wa kuro denaku midori da |
その事故について彼に質問した。I asked him about the accident. | sono jiko nitsuite kare ni shitsumon shita |
質問があります。I've got a question. | shitsumon ga arimasu |
質問していい?Can I ask a question? | shitsumon shite ii |
いくつか質問してもいいですか。May I ask some questions? | ikutsuka shitsumon shite mo ii desu ka |
質問があるのですが。May I ask a question? | shitsumon ga aru no desu ga |
それは答えにくい質問だ。That's a hard question to answer. | kotae nikui |
君の質問は直接的すぎた。Your questions were too direct. | kimi no shitsumon wa chokusetsuteki sugita |
彼は質問を繰り返しました。He repeated his question. | kurikae |
もう一度繰り返していただけませんか。Would you mind saying that once more? | mouichido kurikaeshite itadakemasen ka |
彼は私が言ったことを人前で繰り返した。He repeated in public what I had said. | ~ hitomae de kurikaeshita |
同じ過ちをくり返すな. Don't repeat the same mistake. | onaji ayamachi wo kurikaesu na |