Question | Answer |
Ana is leaving to America | Ana odlazi u Ameriku To express destinations, you put 'u' in front of the word and change the word into accusative: Idem u Hrvatsku - I'm going to Croatia, Ideš u bolnicu - You're going to the hospital, Idem u Zagreb - I'm going to zagreb |
I'm traveling to Croatia | Idem u Hrvatsku |
You're going to Zagreb | Ideš u Zagreb |
Goran goes to school | Goran ide u školu |
I'm going to the mountain | Idem na planinu If you're going to a mountain or island you use 'na' instead, even if its the name of the mountain/island; Idem na Plješavicu |
I'm going to the roof | Idem na krov na is also used for all destinations that are generally surfaces, like the roof, table, wall etc |
We are going | Idemo To make the 'we' form, you just add -o to the pure form |
We are leaving for America | Odlazimo u Ameriku |
We are going to the beach | Idemo na plažu |
We're traveling south | Putujemo na jug |
Ana is going to work | Ana ide na posao na also refers to places of activity, like the countryside, beach, cafe, trip, work etc |
I'm going out to have tea | Idem na čaj |
We are going out for beer | Idemo na pivo |
We are going out for dinner | Idemo na večeru |
I'm going to the concert | Idem na koncert As you've noticed, it's a bit confusing to know when to put na or u, just consider that you put 'na' for NOT LITERAL PLACES, and you put 'u' for LITERAL PLACES, Not true places: (concert, dinner, football, meeting, movie premiere,) True places: (concert hall, restaurant, playground, meeting room, cinema) |
I'm going out in the sun | Idem na sunce |
I'm going out for fresh air | Idem na zrak |
I'm going to a meeting tomorrow | Sutra idem na sastanak Sutra - tomorrow
You can talk about the future tense while still using the present by just putting time related expressions |
We are going to the cinema today | Danas idemo u Kino Danas - Today |
Next year we are travelling to China | Sljedeće godine putujemo u Kinu Sljedeće godine - Next year |
We are going soon | Uskoro idemo Uskoro - soon |
You are leaving now? | Sad ideš? Sad - now |
Next month I'm going to a concert | Sljedeći mjesec idem na koncert sljedeći mjesec - next month |
After tomorrow I'm traveling to Bosnia | Prekosutra putujem u Bosnu After tomorrow - prekosutra |
Ana is coming here soon | Ana uskoro dolazi ovamo Here - Ovamo
You can also specify location with directional words |
Where are we going | Kuda idemo Kuda - where to
(You can also use gdje and kamo, it means the same thing) |