Chinese Mandarin, simplified 1 - Nouns and Articles

The character for "they" is used singularly or plural. Based on auditory context you can ascertain if "they" is meant to be a singular he, she, or they. When written, 他 (ta) and 她(ta) are pronounced the same. Note the female stem on the left of 她

Stems (left, over, or under) position-wise can aid you in identifying characters. Base characters (typically to the right, or largest set of strokes) can aid you in identifying what the character sounds like. I am not a linguist and do not have linguistic background so apologies if this is wrong. Generally this is how I try to identify mandarin characters.

Another fun thing is that there is no conjugation of verbs. You describe the tense of the verb by adding modifiers after or before.

Will eat会吃