Ramonian 1 - Pronunciation and Manuscript

Hällä, new learner!

Ramonian has a bit of a unique way of pronunciation and manuscript. The way some letters are pronounced and written may be very different than what you are used to.

Below are some examples.

  • A is pronounced as "aah."
  • Ä is pronounced as "ahh."
  • E is pronounced as "ee," but is rarely used.
  • É is pronounced as "ay."
  • I is pronounced as "ee."
  • Ï is pronounced as "ih."
  • Ñ is pronounced as "ny."
  • O is pronounced as "oh."
  • Ö is difficult to describe. It's similar to the "a" sound in "pasta," or the "o" sound in "job," and is a bit less harsh than ä. It is rarely used.
  • Ẅ is pronounced as "v."
  • Ç is a blend between the "juh" sound and the "sh" sound. It's similar to the "geo" sound in bourgeoisie.

These sounds are the foundation of the Ramonian language, and need to be learned in order to understand Ramonian manuscript. Luckily, there are very few of them, and they are relatively easy to grasp!