to sing / whistle / craw | ötmek |
bird | kuş |
birds | kuşlar |
The birds are singing. | Kuşlar ötüyor. |
The birds were singing in the forest. | Kuşlar ormanda ötüyordu. |
who sings / who sang / singing (Present Participle) | öten |
the birds singing / who sang | öten kuşlar |
The birds singing in the forest sounded loud. | Ormanda öten kuşların sesi yüksek geliyordu. |
branch | dal |
branches | dallar |
in the branches | dallarda |
The birds in the branches were singing. | Dallardaki kuşlar ötüyordu. |
There were birds singing in the forest. | Ormanda öten kuşlar vardı. |
There were birds singing in the branches. | Dallarda öten kuşlar vardı. |
squirrel | sincap |
squirrels | sincaplar |
There where squirrels in the branches. | Dallarda sincaplar vardı. |
There were no squirrels in the branches. | Dallarda sincaplar yoktu. |
There were no birds singing in the forest. | Ormanda öten kuşlar yoktu. |
to crackle | çıtırdamak |
who crackles / crackling (Present Participle) | çıtırdayan |
There were no squirrels crackling in the branches. | Dallarda çıtırdayan sincaplar yoktu. |
There were no birds singing in the forest, no squirrels crackling in the branches. | Ormanda öten kuşlar, dallarda çıtırdayan sincaplar yoktu. |