Reading Serbian - Točak Vremena - Robert Jordan Book 1 2 - Zametak Senke - a

to turn / spin (oneself)okretati se
it turnsokreće se
The Wheel of time turnsTočak Vremena se okreće
age /epoch /era (nom sg = nom pl)doba
to comedolaziti
they comedolaze
to go /passprolaziti
they passprolaze
They come and pass.Dolaze i prolaze.
Ages come and passDoba dolaze i prolaze.
The Wheel of time turns and Ages come and pass.Točak Vremena se okreće i Doba dolaze i prolaze.
to leaveostavljati
behind /after +instrumentalza
behind them(selves) (instr)za sobom
memory /recollection (n)sećanje
leaving memories behind themostavljajući za sobom sećanja
to outgrow /to grow into /to turn intoprerastati
they turn intoprerastaju
into (+acc)u
into legends (acc pl)u legende
They turn into legends.prerastaju u legende
which (m-f-n)koji - koja - koje
which (pl m/f/n)koji - koje - koja
memories which (n pl)sećanja koja
memories which turn into legendssećanja koja prerastaju u legende
The Wheel of time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving memories behind themselves, which turn into legends.Točak Vremena se okreće i Doba dolaze i prolaze, ostavljajući za sobom sećanja koja prerastaju u legende.