The Chronicles of Narnia | Kronike iz Narnije |
The Magician's Nephew | Čarobnjakov Nećak |
First Chapter | Prvo Poglavlje |
The wrong door (n pl) | Pogrešna Vrata |
This is a narrative about something which happened long ago, while your grandfathers were still children. | Ovo je pripovijest o nečemu što se dogodilo davno, dok su vaši djedovi još bili djeca. |
It is a very important story because it shows how the comings and goings from our world to the land of Narnia and back began. | To je vrlo važna priča jer pokazuje kako su započeli odlasci i dolasci iz našega svijeta u zemlju Narniju i natrag. |
In those days Sir Sherlock Holmes still lived in Baker street whereas the Bastables looked for treasure in Lewisham Road. | U tim je danima gospodin Sherlock Holmes još stanovao u ulici Baker a Bastabiesi su tražili blago u Lewisham Roadu. |
In those days - if you were a boy- you had to wear every day a stiff wide collar whereas the schools were in general more unpleasant than today. | U tim si danima- ako si bio dječak- morao svaki dan nositi široki tvrdi ovratnik a škole su uglavnom bile neugodnije nego danas. |
However the food was tastier; it makes no sense to tell you how cheap and sweet the candies were, because it would only make your mouth water in vain. | No jelo je bilo ukusnije; nema smisla da vam pričam koliko su slatkiši bili jeftini i slatki jer bi vam samo uzalud rasle zazubice. |
At that time there lived a little girl in London by the name Polly Plummer. | Tada je u Londonu živjela djevojčica po imenu Polly Plummer. |
She lived in a long row of houses, which were all connected. | Živjela je u dugačkom nizu kuća koje su bile sve spojene. |
One morning she was in the garden behind the house when a boy climbed up from the neighboring garden and peeked over the wall. | Jednoga je jutra bila u vrtu iza kuće, kad se iz susjednog vrta uzverao dječak i provirio preko zida. |
Polly was deeply surprised for there hadn't been any children in the house next door until then, only Mr. Ketterley and Miss Ketterley, a brother and sister, an old bachelor and an old spinster, who lived together. | Polly se jako iznenadila jer u susjednoj kući do tada nije bilo nikakve djece, samo gospodin Ketterley i gospođica Ketterley, brat i sestra, stari neženja i stara usidjelica, koji su živjeli zajedno. |
So she looked at the boy, full of curiosity. | Pogledala je, dakle, prema dječaku puna znatiželje. |
The strange boy's face was pretty dirty. | Lice neobičnoga dječaka bilo je prilično prljavo. |
(It) could hardly be dirtier if he had dug in the ground with his hands, then had a good cry and afterwards wiped his face with his palms. | Teško da bi moglo biti prljavije da je rukama kopao po zemlji, zatim se dobro isplakao, a onda dlanovima obrisao lice. |
To say the truth that also was pretty much what he did. | Istinu govoreći, baš je to otprilike i učinio. |
"Hello, " said Polly. | 'Zdravo,' rekla je Polly. |
'Hello,' said the boy. 'What's your name?' | 'Zdravo,' rekao dječak. 'Kako se zoveš?' |
'Polly,' said Polly. 'How about you?' | 'Polly,' rekla je Polly. 'A ti?' |
'Digory,' said the boy. | 'Digory,' rekao je dječak. |
'What a funny name!' said Polly. | 'Kakvo smiješno ime!' rekla je Polly. |
"Not even half as funny as Polly, " said Digory. ' | 'Ni upola toliko smiješno kao Polly,' rekao je Digory. |
'It is quite funny,' said Polly. | 'Baš je smiješno,' rekla je Polly. |
'Not really,' said Digory. | 'Baš nije,' rekao je Digory. |