
The Chronicles of Narnia
Kronike iz Narnije
The Magician's Nephew
Čarobnjakov Nećak
First Chapter
Prvo Poglavlje
The wrong door (n pl)
Pogrešna Vrata
This is a narrative about something which happened long ago, while your grandfathers were still children.
Ovo je pripovijest o nečemu što se dogodilo davno, dok su vaši djedovi još bili djeca.
It is a very important story because it shows how the comings and goings from our world to the land of Narnia and back began.
To je vrlo važna priča jer pokazuje kako su započeli odlasci i dolasci iz našega svijeta u zemlju Narniju i natrag.
In those days Sir Sherlock Holmes still lived in Baker street whereas the Bastables looked for treasure in Lewisham Road.
U tim je danima gospodin Sherlock Holmes još stanovao u ulici Baker a Bastabiesi su tražili blago u Lewisham Roadu.
In those days - if you were a boy- you had to wear every day a stiff wide collar whereas the schools were in general more unpleasant than today.
U tim si danima- ako si bio dječak- morao svaki dan nositi široki tvrdi ovratnik a škole su uglavnom bile neugodnije nego danas.
However the food was tastier; it makes no sense to tell you how cheap and sweet the candies were, because it would only make your mouth water in vain.
No jelo je bilo ukusnije; nema smisla da vam pričam koliko su slatkiši bili jeftini i slatki jer bi vam samo uzalud rasle zazubice.
At that time there lived a little girl in London by the name Polly Plummer.
Tada je u Londonu živjela djevojčica po imenu Polly Plummer.
She lived in a long row of houses, which were all connected.
Živjela je u dugačkom nizu kuća koje su bile sve spojene.
One morning she was in the garden behind the house when a boy climbed up from the neighboring garden and peeked over the wall.
Jednoga je jutra bila u vrtu iza kuće, kad se iz susjednog vrta uzverao dječak i provirio preko zida.
Polly was deeply surprised for there hadn't been any children in the house next door until then, only Mr. Ketterley and Miss Ketterley, a brother and sister, an old bachelor and an old spinster, who lived together.
Polly se jako iznenadila jer u susjednoj kući do tada nije bilo nikakve djece, samo gospodin Ketterley i gospođica Ketterley, brat i sestra, stari neženja i stara usidjelica, koji su živjeli zajedno.
So she looked at the boy, full of curiosity.
Pogledala je, dakle, prema dječaku puna znatiželje.
The strange boy's face was pretty dirty.
Lice neobičnoga dječaka bilo je prilično prljavo.
(It) could hardly be dirtier if he had dug in the ground with his hands, then had a good cry and afterwards wiped his face with his palms.
Teško da bi moglo biti prljavije da je rukama kopao po zemlji, zatim se dobro isplakao, a onda dlanovima obrisao lice.
To say the truth that also was pretty much what he did.
Istinu govoreći, baš je to otprilike i učinio.
"Hello, " said Polly.
'Zdravo,' rekla je Polly.
'Hello,' said the boy. 'What's your name?'
'Zdravo,' rekao dječak. 'Kako se zoveš?'
'Polly,' said Polly. 'How about you?'
'Polly,' rekla je Polly. 'A ti?'
'Digory,' said the boy.
'Digory,' rekao je dječak.
'What a funny name!' said Polly.
'Kakvo smiješno ime!' rekla je Polly.
"Not even half as funny as Polly, " said Digory. '
'Ni upola toliko smiješno kao Polly,' rekao je Digory.
'It is quite funny,' said Polly.
'Baš je smiješno,' rekla je Polly.
'Not really,' said Digory.
'Baš nije,' rekao je Digory.