Reading Croatian : Kronike iz Narnije - ČAROBNJAKOV NEĆAK (prva knjiga) - C.S.Lewis 11 - Prvo Poglavlje - Pogrešna Vrata - i

very /deeply (j)jako
to be surprised /estonished /take aback /startlediznenaditi se
Polly was surprised.Polly se iznenadila.
Polly was deeply surprised.Polly se jako iznenadila.
in the house next door (in the neighboring house) (loc)u susjednoj kući
until thendo tada
some /any /a (m/f/n)nekakav - nekakva - nekakvo
some /any /a (pl m/f/n)nekakvi - nekakve - nekakva
synonym for nekakavnikakav
any (. i... ) children *children in Croatian is a sg noun form (collective) adjectives are fem sgnikakva djeca
There were children. (gen - used for expressing that things/persons exist)Bilo je djece.
There were no children. (gen)Nije bilo djece.
There had not been any (gen sg fem*) children. *children in Croatian is a sg noun form (collective), its adjectives are fem sgNije bilo nikakve djece.
Until now there had not been any children.Do tada nije bilo nikakve djece.
until now there had not been any children in the house next dooru susjednoj kući do tada nije bilo nikakve djece.
Polly was deeply surprised because until now there had not been any children in the house next door.Polly se jako iznenadila, jer u susjednoj kući do tada nije bilo nikakve djece.
only Mr. Ketterleysamo gospodin Ketterley
only Mr and Miss Ketterleysamo gospodin Ketterley i gospođica Ketterley
brother and sisterbrat i sestra
old (m/f/n) (long form)stari - stara - stare
an old bachelorstari neženja
an old spinsterstara usidjelica
an old bachelor and an old spinsterstari neženja i stara usidjelica
who livedkoji su živjeli
who lived togetherkoji su živjeli zajedno
an old bachelor and an old spinster who lived togetherstari neženja i stara usidjelica koji su živjeli zajedno
only Mr. Ketterley and Miss Ketterley, a brother and sister, an old bachelor and an old spinster, who lived together.samo gospodin Ketterley i gospođica Ketterley, brat i sestra, stari neženja i stara usidjelica, koji su živjeli zajedno.
Polly was deeply surprised for there hadn't been any children in the house next door until then, only Mr. Ketterley and Miss Ketterley, a brother and sister, an old bachelor and an old spinster, who lived together.Polly se jako iznenadila jer u susjednoj kući do tada nije bilo nikakve djece, samo gospodin Ketterley i gospođica Ketterley, brat i sestra, stari neženja i stara usidjelica, koji su živjeli zajedno.