Question | Answer |
for/off/from (+gen) before other than s, š, z, ž - before s, š, z, ž | s - sa |
tree (trunk) | stablo |
to fall | pasti |
I fell | pao sam |
I fell from the tree. | Pao sam sa stabla. |
side | strana |
on the other side | s druge strane |
west | zapad |
from the west | sa zapada |
back (also body part) (nom =gen =acc) | leđa |
from the back | s leđa |
window | prozor |
to observe | promatraci |
to observe from the window | promatraci s prozora |
mountain | planina |
people from the mountain | ljudi s planine |
reason | razlog |
for that reason | s tog razloga |
with (+instr) | s - sa |
time | vr(ij)eme |
in time (with time) | s vremenom |
with you | s tobom |
What (sg/pl) is (wrong) with you? | Što - šta je s tobom? |
with the school | sa školom |
dog | pas |
with the dog | sa psom |
with me (exception) | sa mnom |
with life | sa životom |
with someone | s nekim |
to work with someone | raditi s nekim |
to quarrel | svađati se |
to quarrel with someone | svađati se s nekim |