Reading Bosnian: Robinzon Kruso - Daniel Defoe 2 - BJEKSTVO OD KUĆE - a

they call mezovu me
commonly /usuallyobično
They usually call me Robinson Crusoe.Zovu me obično Robinzon Kruso.
it isto je
name (neutr)ime
my (m/f/n)moj - moja - moje
my namemoje ime
it is my nameto je moje ime
last name /surname (n)prezime
this is my name and surnameto je moje ime i prezime
to trust /believevjerovati
they believevjeruju
that (conjunction) (clitics as je, mu, li... follow da directly)da
they believe thatvjeruju da
they believe that it isvjeruju da je to
they believe that it is my name and surnamevjeruju da je to moje ime i prezime
They usually call me Robinson Crusoe and they believe that it is my name and surname.Zovu me obično Robinzon Kruso i vjeruju da je to moje ime i prezime.