to be born | roditi se |
I was born (perfect) | rodio sam se |
two | dva |
three | tri |
ten | deset |
thirty | trideset |
thirty-two | trideset dva |
six | šest |
hundred | sto |
six hundred | šeststo |
six hundred and thirty-two | šeststo trideset dva |
thousand | hiljada |
thousand six hundred and thirty-two | hiljada šeststo trideset dva |
I was born in 1632. | Rodio sam se hiljada šeststo trideset dva. |
city | grad |
city (locative case) | gradu |
in /at (+ loc) answer to gdje/where ? | u |
in the city of York | u gradu Yorku |
I was born in 1632 in the city of York. | Rodio sam se hiljada šeststo trideset dva u gradu Yorku. |