Korean Vocabulary arranged by syllables 117 - - 47b - Adjectives

to be big크다
to be small작다
to be new새롭다
to be old낡다
to be old (for an object)오래도다
to be tired피곤하다
to be expensive비싸다
to be cheap싸다
to be beautiful아름답다
to be fat뚱뚱하다
to be long길다
to be good좋다
to be dangerous위험하다
to be handsome잘생기다
to be ugly못생기다
to be cool (a cool person)멋있다
to be uncool멋없다
to not be delicious /tasteless맛없다
to be delicious맛있다
to be many /a lot of많다
to be similar비슷 하다
to be different다르다
to be sad슬프다
to be fun재미있다
to be happy행복하다
to be boring지루하다
to be thin (person)마르다
to be dry마르다
to be far away멀다
to not be good싫다
to be hungry배고프다
to be fast빠르다
to be slow느리다
to be nice착하다
to be easy쉽다
to be difficult어렵다
to be hot (uncomfortable)덥다
to be muggy /humid /hot무덥다
to be missed /longed for그립다
to be cute귀엽다
to be cold (uncomfortable)춥다
to be cool /refreshing시원하다
to be dirty더럽다
to be busy바쁘다
to be the same같다
to be safe안전하다
to be hard딱딱하다
to be soft부드럽다
to be possible가능하다
to be impossible불가능하다
to be pretty예쁘다
to be charming매력이 있다
to be meaningful의미가 있다
to be meaningless의미가 없다
to be native from / to come from출신이다
to be excited신나다