- 4d- Examples

I like my mother as much as my father.
저는 어머니도 아버지만큼 좋아해요.
There are lots of dog poops in this park
이 공원에는 강아지 똥이 많아요.
What's the time now?
지금 몇 시예요 ?
Shall we go now?
지금 갈까요 ?
What are you doing now? (progressive tense)
지금 뭐 하고 있어요 ?
I am doing well.
잘 지내요
How are you doing these days ? (without 'se' = more casual)
요즘 어떻게 지내세요?
What I am listening to now is a song.
지금 듣는 것은 노래예요.