Reading Indonesian - Lotr - The Fellowship of the Ring - Sembilan Pembawa Cincin 26 - New lesson

most widely/at the mostpaling banyak
listener /auditorpendengar
to attract attention /to draw attentionmenarik perhatian
The one who attracted the listeners' attention at the mostyang paling banyak menarik perhatian pendengan
the, definite article used with names or nick namessi
Old Ham Gamgeesi tua Ham Gamgee
The one who attracted the listeners' attention at the most was old Ham Gamgee.Yang paling banyak menarik perhatian pendengan adalah si tua Ham Gamgee.
to be knowndikenal
who was more known asyang lebih dikenal sebagai
who was more known as the Gafferyang lebih dikenal sebagai si Gaffer
The one who attracted the listeners' attention at the most was old Ham Gamgee, who was more known as the Gaffer.yang paling banyak menarik perhatian pendengan adalah si tua Ham Gamgee, yang lebih dikenal sebagai si Gaffer
to mean /imply /signifyberarti
old man / grandsire / ElderLelaki tua
which signified Elderyang berarti Lelaki Tua
The one who attracted the listeners' attention at the most was old Ham Gamgee, who was more known as the Gaffer, which signified Elder.yang paling banyak menarik perhatian pendengan adalah si tua Ham Gamgee, yang lebih dikenal sebagai si Gaffer (yang berarti Lelaki Tua).