Reading Indonesian - Lotr - The Fellowship of the Ring - Sembilan Pembawa Cincin 12 - Bab 1- Pesta Yang Ditunggu-Tunggu - k

certainly /definitely /surelypasti
Surely there is a pricepasti ada harga
must (m)mesti
to be paiddibayar
Surely there is a price that has to be paid.pasti ada harga yang mesti dibayar
to saykata
they saidkata mereka
"Surely there is a price that has to be paid." they said.'Pasti ada harga yang mesti dibayar,' kata mereka.
natural / fair / reasonablewajar
That is not naturalitu tidak wajar
to arise /appear /emergetimbul
there will emergeakan timbul
surely there will emerge laterpasti nanti akan timbul
surely there will emerge trouble laterpasti nanti akan timbul kesulitan
"Surely there is a price that has to be paid." they said. "Surely there will emerge trouble later!"'Pasti ada harga yang mesti dibayar,' kata mereka. 'Pasti nanti akan timbul kesulitan.'
"Surely there is a price that has to be paid." they said. "That is not natural, surely there will emerge trouble later!"'Pasti ada harga yang mesti dibayar,' kata mereka. 'Itu tidak wajar, pasti nanti akan timbul kesulitan.'