indonesian language | bahasa indonesia |
I don't understand english | saya tidak mengerti bahasa inggris |
Maam/You | Ibu |
Sir/You | Bapak |
Maam/You | Bu |
american (person) | orang amerika |
language | bahasa |
english language | bahasa inggris |
excuse me | maaf |
I/Me | saya |
understand | mengerti |
a little | sedikit |
I understand indonesian a little | saya mengerti bahasa indonesia sedikit |
I understand english | saya mengerti bahasa inggris |
indonesian (person) | orang indonesia |
Yes | ya |
no (verbs and adjectives) | tidak |
person | orang |
Sir/You | Pak |
just a little | sedikit sedikit saja |
I am american | saya orang amerika |
well | dengan baik |
good | baik |
Good bye (see you) | Sampai Ketemu |
good morning | selamat pagi |
thank you | terima kasih |
How are you? (What news) | apa kabar |
can | bisa |
You can speak indonesian well (to a man) | bapak bisa bicara bahasa indonesia dengan baik |
but I understand Indonesian | tapi saya mengerti bahasa Indonesia |
I am american, what about you? (to a woman) | saya orang america kalau ibu? |
I am not Indonesian | saya bukan orang Indonesia |
speak | bicara |
but | tapi |
if / when / what about? | kalau |
and | dan |
no (nouns only) | bukan |
but general sudirman street is here | tapi jalan general sudirman di sini |
I don't understand | saya tidak mengerti |
street | jalan |
general sudirman street is not over there | jalan general sudirman tidak di sana |
there / is it there? / it's over there | di sana |
it's not here | tidak di sini |
here / is it here? / it's here | di sini |
where is general sudirman street? | di mana jalan general sudirman? |
where | di mana |
general sudirman street | jalan general sudirman |
gatot subroto street | jalan gatot subroto |
eat | makan |
maybe it's over there | mungkin di sana |
want | mau |
I want | saya mau |
maybe i know | mungkin saya tahu |
I want to eat something | saya mau makan sesuatu |
drink | minum |
I know | saya tahu |
something | sesuatu |
I don't know | saya tidak tahu |
maybe | mungkin |
tea | teh |
maybe I want to drink tea | mungkin saya mau minum teh |
know | tahu |
when | kapan |
home | rumah |
i want to eat too | saya mau makan juga |
now | sekarang |
restaurant | restoran |
me too | saya juga |
i want to drink tea now | saya mau minum teh sekarang |
our / we / us (excluding the person addressed) | kami |
not now | tidak sekarang |
later | nanti |
join / follow | ikut |
very / really | sekali |
i really want to | saya mau sekali |
when do you want to drink something (to a man) | kapan bapak mau minum sesuatu |
do you want to join us to eat at our home? (to a man) | bapak mau ikut makan di rumah kami |
also / too | juga |
do you want to join us (to a woman) | ibu mau ikut |
our home | rumah kami |
maybe later | mungkin nanti |
what about later | kalau nanti |
or | atau |
coffee | kopi |
fruit | buah |
fruit juice | jus buah |
with pleasure (with happy heart) | dengan senang hati |
what | apa |
what do you want to drink | mau minum apa |
but when | tapi kapan |
heart | hati |
happy | senang |
with | dengan |
juice | jus |
two coffees | dua kopi |
good afternoon | selamat siang |
what do you want to do (want to plan what) | mau rencana apa |
water (drinking water) | air putih |
two | dua |
afternoon | siang |
avocado | alpukat |
lunch | makan siang |
avocado juice | jus alpukat |
to plan, plan | rencana |
to buy | beli |
i would like to do something | saya mau rencana sesuatu |
i want to buy something | saya mau beli sesuatu |
one | satu |
one oclock | jam satu |
how many / how much | berapa |
at what time | jam berapa |
nine | sembilan |
i can't | saya tidak bisa |
eight | delapan |
hour / time | jam |
instead / just / only | saja |
just two coffees | dua kopi saja |
i will / going to | akan |
five | lima |
four | empat |
three | tiga |
I will eat now | saya akan makan sekarang |
evening, night | malam |
want to eat with us | mau makan dengan kami |
maybe later in the evening | mungkin nanti malam |
what about nine oclock | kalau jam sembilan |
listen and repeat | dengarkan dan ulangi |
in that case / then | kalau begitu |
six | enam |
this evening / tonight | malam ini |
ten | sepuluh |
this | ini |
too late | terlambat |
tomorrow night / tomorrow evening | besok malam |
listen | dengarkan |
repeat | ulangi |
dinner | makan malam |
seven | tujuh |
tomorrow | besok |
see you tomorrow / until tomorrow | sampai besok |
today | hari ini |
I will have dinner tonight | saya akan makan malam malam ini |
pay | bayar |
how much, alot? | berapa banyak |
hello | halo |
must | harus |
thirteen | tiga belas |
this is me | ini saya |
twelve | dua belas |
fifteen | lima belas |
thousand | ribu |
twenty | dua puluh |
how much do I have to pay? | berapa saya harus bayar |
indonesian rupiah | rupiah |
very late | telat sekali |
ten thousand rupiah | sepuluh ribu rupiah |
have | punya |
good evening | selamat malam |
money | uang |
not in rupiah | tidak di rupiah |
how much rupiah | berapa uang rupiah |
eleven | sebelas |
have rupiah | punya uang rupiah |
in | di |
I have thirteen thousand rupiah | saya punya tiga belas ribu rupiah |
eleven oclock | jam sebelas |
with my wife and me | dengan istri saya dan saya |
here are two dollars | ini dua dollar |
US dollar | dollar |
fourteen | empat belas |
food stall / small restaurant / juice bar / cafe | warung |
i don't have rupiah | saya tidak punya uang rupiah |
many / alot of / that's alot | banyak |
nineteen | sembilan belas |
give me | berikan saya |
you | anda (polite) |
give | berikan |
please | tolong |
thank you very much | terima kasih banyak |
that's too much | kebanyakan |
please give me some dollars | tolong berikan saya sedikit uang dollar |
thirty | tiga puluh |
not much | tidak banyak |
for | untuk |
our / we / us (including the person addressed) | kita |
here is some money | ini sedikit uang |
do you have any rupiah | anda punya uang rupiah |
eighteen | delapan belas |
seventeen | tujuh belas |
do you have mango juice | anda punya jus mangga |
mango juice | jus mangga |
mango | mangga |
for me too | untuk saya juga |
costs | harganya |
watermelon | semangka |
we don't have any (excludes listener) | kami tidak punya |
this tea is for you | teh ini untuk anda |
woman | wanita |
watermelon juice | jus semangka |
added to | tambah |
help | bantu |
too (too much) | terlalu |
this newspaper | koran ini |
twenty four | dua puluh empat |
not enough | tidak cukup |
that's alot of money | banyak uang |
enough / adequate / that's enough | cukup |
newspaper | koran |
expensive | mahal |
it's too much money | kebanyakan uang |
can i help | bisa saya bantu |
the newspaper | koran itu |
twenty eight | dua puluh delapan |
it's not expensive | tidak mahal |
too expensive | terlalu mahal |
this newspaper is too expensive | koran ini terlalu mahal |
fifty | lima puluh |
fifty one thousand | lima puluh satu ribu |
sixty | enam puluh |
fast | cepat |
you can give me | anda bisa berikan saya |
i don't have (any) | saya tidak punya |
you talk fast | anda bicara cepat |
very fast | cepat sekali |
always crowded | selalu penuh |
this restaurant is crowded | restoran ini penuh |
forty one thousand | empat puluh satu ribu |
one thousand | seribu |
for this | untuk ini |
always | selalu |
thirty three | tiga puluh tiga |
crowded | penuh |
you're welcome | sama-sama |
very expensive | mahal sekali |
slow / slowly | pelan |
my husband | suami saya |
my wife | istri saya |
both of you (you both) | anda berdua |
my husband wants to drink wine | suami saya mau minum anggur |
both of us | kami berdua |
where is my husband | di mana suami saya |
book | buku |
tea for both of us | teh untuk kami berdua |
slower (more slow) | lebih pelan |
wine | anggur |
i can speak more slowly | saya bisa bicara lebih pelan |
more | lebih |
husband | suami |
both of you can drink tea with both of us | anda berdua bisa minum teh dengan kami berdua |
both | berdua |
wife | istri |
faster | lebih cepat |
to live | tinggal |
hungry | lapar |
we both live there | kami berdua tinggal di sana |
please (invite to do something) | silahkan |
name | nama |
come in | masuk |
we're not yet hungry | kami belum lapar |
my wife and i | istri saya dan saya |
my name | nama saya |
he / she / he's / she's | dia |
what does he want to drink | dia mau minum apa |
not yet | belum |
come in please | masuk silahkan |
where do you live | di mana anda tinggal |
I live | saya tinggal |
do you live here | anda tinggal di sini |
if it's not a burden | kalau tidak keberatan |
big (also grown-up) | besar |
just fine | baik-baik saja |
little / small | kecil |
they / them | mereka |
girl / girls | anak perempuan |
boy / boys | anak laki-laki |
we would like.. | kami mau |
with our children | dengan anak kami |
we have one girl | kami punya satu anak perempuan |
that / those | yang |
how many children do you have | berapa anak anda punya |
they're big | mereka besar |
they're here | mereka di sini |
that boy is big (grown up) | yang laki-laki besar |
she is little | dia kecil |
two boys | dua anak laki-laki |
burden, to object, objection, complain, be against | keberatan |
child / children | anak |
male | laki-laki |
female | perempuan |
not a burden | tidak keberatan |
he is really little | dia benar kecil |
the big one | yang besar |
wait | tunggu |
family | keluarga |
where are they | di mana mereka |
is that so? really? (that true) | yang benar |
yes really | ya benar |
our little girl | anak perempuan kecil kami |
our girl is little | anak perempuan kami kecil |
we can wait | kami bisa tunggu |
we want to have many children | kami mau punya banyak anak |
where is the bathroom | di mana kamar kecil |
not true / not really | tidak benar |
true / really | benar |
where is your family | di mana keluarga anda |
how many people are there in your family | berapa orang ada dalam keluarga anda |
two hundred | dua ratus |
to | ke |
hundred | ratus |
kilometer | kilometer |
go / went | pergi |
need | perlu |
ask if | tanya kalau |
japan / japanese | jepang |
gas | bensin |
driver | sopir |
again | lagi |
say | katakan |
there are / are there | ada |
car | mobil |
there is gas in the car | ada bensin dalam mobil |
big enough | cukup besar |
there are five people | ada lima orang |
in your family | dalam keluarga anda |
there are two hundred kilometers to Bandung | ada dua ratus kilometer ke Bandung |
we need a driver and car | kami perlu sopir dan mobil |
we need gas (inclusive) | kita perlu bensin |
we will go to Bandung (inclusive) | kita akan pergi ke bandung |
say again | katakan lagi |
ask | tanya |
yes / no word for questions | apakah |
are both of them small (politely) | apakah mereka berdua kecil |
inside | dalam |
ask me | tanya saya |
say that | katakan bahwa |
that (b) | bahwa |
how many people are there | berapa orang ada |
what's the route to jakarta | rute apa ke jakarta |
is it very far (politely) | apakah jauh sekali |
how far | berapa jauh |
he can take | dia bisa mengantar |
to forward, to the front, ahead, forwards | ke depan |
how do you say | bagaimana anda katakan |
it's far, isn't it | jauh bukan |
straight | lurus |
route | rute |
what is the route | rute apa |
I'm going to go straight ahead | saya akan pergi lurus ke depan |
two hundred kilometers approximately | dua ratus kilometer kira-kira |
seventy six | tujuh puluh enam |
approximately | kira-kira |
far | jauh |
how | bagaimana |
accompany / take | mengantar |
one hundred | seratus |
the correct route (route that's true) | rute yang benar |
is the correct route to the left (politely) | apakah rute yang benar ke kiri |
from here | dari sini |
best route | rute terbaik |
then | kemudian |
he's bringing tea | dia bawa teh |
to the right | ke kanan |
to the left | ke kiri |
can we take the jakarta route (inclusive) | kita bisa ambil rute jakarta |
what's the best route | rute apa terbaik |
left | kiri |
right | kanan |
best | terbaik |
from | dari |
highway | jalan raya |
take | ambil |
bring | bawa |
then to the left | kemudian ke kiri |
if we take the correct route (inclusive) | kalau kita ambil rute yang benar |
we can take the highway (inclusive) | kita bisa ambil jalan raya |
how do you say in indonesian | bagaimana anda katakan dalam bahasa indonesia |
what's the best route to go to jakarta | rute apa terbaik pergi ke jakarta |
do you know the best route (politely) | apakah anda tahu rute apa terbaik |
it's late (already night) | sudah malam |
open | buka |
closed | tutup |
affix which sometimes means "the" | nya |
the store/stores | tokonya |
because | karena |
why | kenapa |
why are the shops closed | kenapa tokonya tutup |
maybe they're open | mungkin mereka buka |
already | sudah |
conversation | percakapan |
listen to this conversation | dengarkan percakapan ini |
it's alot farther to jakarta | lebih jauh banyak ke jakarta |
maybe the shops are open tomorrow | mungkin tokonya buka besok |
farther | lebih jauh |
the stores are closed | tokonya tutup |
some friends | beberapa teman |
tomorrow morning | besok pagi hari |
to vacation | liburan |
that's a shame / what a pity (pity very) | sayang sekali |
visit (verb) | mengunjungi |
from there | dari sana |
my friend | teman saya |
my friends | teman-teman saya |
feel, think, taste | rasa |
try to say | coba katakan |
only (new) | baru |
why not | kenapa tidak |
friend | teman |
in the morning | di pagi hari |
pity (darling) | sayang |
try | coba |
some / a few | beberapa |
friends | teman-teman |
I think so | saya rasa begitu |
the stores are not open in the morning | tokonya tidak buka di pagi hari |
you will vacation how many days? | anda akan liburan berapa hari |
I will visit | saya akan mengunjungi |
I don't have anything | saya tidak punya apa-apa |
usually he works alone | biasanya dia bekerja sendiri |
number | nomor |
we can go home together (inclusive) | kita bisa pulang bersama-sama |
to work | bekerja |
together | bersama-sama |
go home / return | pulang |
anything | apa-apa |
alone, self | sendiri |
nothing, never mind, doesn't matter | tidak apa-apa |
usually | biasanya |
what's the meaning | artinya apa |
since when | sejak kapan |
since this morning | sejak pagi ini |
for three days | selama tiga hari |
nothing, why? | tidak apa-apa kenapa |
we don't have much time | kami tidak punya banyak waktu |
I don't know what it means | saya tidak tahu artinya apa |
we've been here since this morning | kami di sini sejak pagi ini |
where do you want to go | ke mana anda mau pergi |
it's a great idea | itu ide bagus |
you aren't relaxed | anda santai bukan |
we want to stay longer | kami mau tinggal lebih lama |
younger sibling | adik |
since | sejak |
idea | ide |
word | kata |
relax | santai |
longer (time) | lebih lama |
means / meaning | artinya |
for (time) / as long as | selama |
time | waktu |
my younger sibling | adik saya |
how long | berapa lama |
long (time) | lama |
beer | bir |
I bought two drinks | saya beli dua minuman |
you like milk? | anda suka susu |
right? | betul |
you already ate | anda sudah makan |
week | minggu |
great | bagus |
you will eat today | anda akan makan hari ini |
you ate yesterday | anda makan kemarin |
hat | topi |
milk | susu |
drink / drinks | minuman |
yesterday | kemarin |
like | suka |
we've already been here one week | kami sudah di sini satu minggu |
forgot | lupa |
terrific | hebat |
I bought a terrific hat | saya beli topi hebat |
Is my brother here | adik saya di sini |
I forgot | saya lupa |
I don't like beer | saya tidak suka bir |
when did you arrive in denpasar | kapan anda tiba di denpasar |
temple | pura |
arrive | tiba |
what else | apa lagi |
I bought noodles | saya beli mi |
spicy noodles | mi pedas |
chicken soup | sup ayam |
one more week (one week again) | satu minggu lagi |
what else do we need (inclusive) | kita perlu apa lagi |
again / else | lagi |
I like this hotel | saya suka hotel ini |
soup | sup |
noodles | mi |
spicy | pedas |
this word, what does it mean | kata ini artinya apa |
chicken | ayam |
bread | roti |
we will buy bread | kami akan beli roti |
we arrived yesterday morning | kami tiba kemarin pagi |
I ate spicy noodles | saya makan mi pedas |
asphalt | aspal |
smoke, vapor, fumes | asap |
roof | atap |
religion | agama |
nature, natural | alam |
endure, put up with, last, hold out | tahan |
on, above, over | atas |
fierce, aggressive | galak |
mistake, error | salah |
bag | tas |
news | kabar |
children | anak-anak |
pork | babi |
cloth, fabric | kain |
contents, to fill | isi |
until, up to | sampai |
beach | pantai |
tooth/teeth | gigi |
ride | naik |
root, a plant root | akar |
proud | bangga |
roasted; to roast | panggang |
excuse me | permisi |
light (weight) | ringan |
banana | pisang |
sky | langit |
wind | angin |
tall, high | tinggi |
ruler, liner | penggaris |
neighbor | tetangga |
church | gereja |
taste, appetite | selera |
wagon / carriage / cart | kereta |
sword fighter | pendekar |
pen | pena |
don't, do not! | jangan |
to guard | jaga |
satay (grilled meat on a stick) | sate |
so, therefore, thus | jadi |
the streets | jalanan |
magazine | majalah |
ignorant, foolish | jahil |
finger, toe | jari |
window | jendela |
flag | bendera |
table | meja |
village | desa |
short | pendek |
ugly | jelek |
way, manner | cara |
love | cinta |
story | cerita |
the story | ceritanya |
speaking | bicaranya |
increase | membanyak |
ice | es |
telephone | telepon |
a turn, to make a turn | belok |
doctor | dokter |
cigarette, to smoke | rokok |
unmarried woman, miss | nona |
mixed vegetables with peanut sauce | gado-gado |
office | kantor |
medicine | obat |
motorcycle | motor |
passport | paspor |
island | pulau |
letter, document | surat |
old / dark (color) | tua |
flower | bunga |
kitchen | dapur |
fat | gemuk |
cat | kucing |
shoe | sepatu |
pilgrimage | ziarah |
although; though | walaupun |
variation | variasi |
revelation | wahyu |
shadow puppet (traditonal indonesian) | wayang-kulit |
to die (formal expression) | wafat |
compulsory | wajib |
colouring, pigment | zat warna |
citizen | warganegara |
fact | fakta |
faculty | fakultas |
fanatic | fanatik |
philosophy | falsafah |
function | fungsi |
form (to be filled in, not shape) | formulir |
February | Februari |
villa | villa |
useful person | Gunawan |
a person who is wise, prudent | Budiman |
before (in time) | sebelum |
after (in time) | sesudah |
blaze, flame, fire | nyala |
value, price | nilai |
to request (informally) | minta |
to cook | masak |
to see, look | lihat |
to boil | merebus |
to forbid | melarang |
to appraise, value, grade, rate, score | menilai |
to see, look | melihat |
to dance | menari |
to nurse; care for; attend to; look after | merawat |
to burn, to light, to ignite | menyala |
to draw | menggambar |
to examine, test | menguji |
to fill | mengisi |
to spell (letters of a word) | eja |
to ask along, invite | ajak |
the contents of something | isi |
chat | obrol |
test, experiment | uji |
to count | hitung |
picture, drawing, image | gambar |
to send something | kirim |
to write | tulis |
to sell | menjual |
polite address, a greeting | sapa |
to write | menulis |
buy | membeli |
bring | membawa |
to search / to seek / to look for | cari |
to sell | jual |
to keep, store | simpan |
to speak, address, greet | menyapa |
to hear | dengar |
to cut | potong |
to build/construct something | membangun |
to pass away, (a polite way of saying 'to die') | meninggal |
visit | kunjungan |
to rent | menyewa |
to know (someone) | kenal |
to give; to present | beri |
to rent | sewa |
to get up (out of bed) | bangun |
to know | mengenal |
to sing | nyanyi |
take | mengambil |
to get something for somebody | mengambilkan |
to cook | memasakkan |
trampled, stepped on | terinjak |
cut off, truncated | terpotong |
surprised, startled | terkejut |
to laugh | tertawa |
to smile | tersenyum |
closed | tertutup |
bitten | tergigit |
beaten, struck | terpukul |
chatting | becakap-cakap |
to go for a stroll, to travel | berjalan-jalan |
to jump around | melompat-lompat |
as well as possible | sebaik-baiknya |
as far as possible | sejauh-jauhnya |
as soon as possible | secepat-cepatnya |
I want to go to the toilet | saya mau pergi ke kamar kecil |