acrobat | cambaz |
chicklet | civciv |
to revive | canlandırmak |
to visualize / picture / imagine | gözünde canlandırmak |
And Meggie had imagined (g.c.) the giant's garden door exactly like this. | Devin bahçe kapısını da tıpkı bu şekilde canlandırmıştı Meggie gözünde. |
Soul / life (c) | can |
live / alive | canlı |
Live broadcast | canlı yayın |
Lifeless / inanimate | cansız |
walnut | ceviz |
Boasting / Airs / Wichtigtuerei | caka |
to act / strutt / to play a role / to show off | caka satmak |
Answer me ! (c) | Cevap verin bana! |
coat / blazer / Jacket | ceket |
my soul / my darling | canım |
Oh my soul | Ey canım |
murder | cinayet |
walnut trees | ceviz ağaçları |
life jacket | cankurtaran yeleği |
friday | cuma |
saturday | cumartesi |
to answer (c) | cevap vermek |
as if he / they were alive (beings) | canlıymışçasına |
sentence | cümle |
the end of the sentence | cümlenin sonu |
the last word of the sentence | cümlenin son kelimesi |
the second last word of the sentence / (lit. second word from the end...) | cümlenin sondan ikinci kelimesi |
Genus / Gattung (biol.) (e.g. Felis /echte Katzen) | cins |
your gender | Cinsiyetiniz |
brave | cesur |
You are brave. | cesursun |
window pane | cam |
leprosy | cüzam |
leper (person suffering from leprosy) | cüzamlı |
The lepers are cleansed | cüzamlılar temiz kılınıyor |
hell | cehennem |
But fear God who can destroy the soul and also the body in hell. | Canı da bedeni de cehennemde mahvedebilen Tanrı'dan korkun. |
demon possessed | cinli |
encouraging / cheering / aufmunternd / heartening | cesaretlendirici |
to get out alive somewhere | bir yerden canlı çıkmak |
to be a living example | canlı bir örneği olmak |
to be eaten alive | canlı canlı yenmek |
to listen live | canlı dinlemek |
to watch live | canlı izlemek |
to escape with one's life | canlı kurtulmak |
to broadcast live | canlı yayınlamak |
to be broadcasted live | canlı yayınlanmak |
to keep the flame(fire) alive in our hearts | kalplerimizde ateşi canlı tutmak |
to look brave | cesur görünmek |
to act bravely/courageously | cesur davranmak |
to be brave | cesur olmak |
a brave hero | cesur kahraman |
daredevil /lion(hearted) | cesur kimse |
a brave heart | cesur yürek |
brave enough | yeterince cesur |
daring / boldness / temerity / presumption (cü) | cüret |
to dare | cüret göstermek |
even (d) if you dare to touch them | onlara dokunma cüretini dahi göstersen |
furiously / fiercely | cayır cayır |
to burn furiously | cayır cayır yanmak |
street (c) | cadde |
It's in this street (c) | bu cadde üstünde |
pocket | cep |
cell phone | cep telefonu |
geography | coğrafya |
serious / severe | ciddi |
seriously? | cidden mi? |
punishment | ceza |
gymnastik | cimnastik |
polished / glazed / finished | cilalı |
a polished blue stone | cilalı mavi bir taş |
incorporeal / unsubstantial | cisimsiz |
Unsubstantial fog winding/curling like ivy branches | Cisimsiz sarmaşık dalları gibi kıvrılan sis, |
who was the first president of Turkey? | Türkiye'nin ilk cumhurbaşkanı kimdi? |
the first president of Turkey was ... | Türkiye'nin ilk cumhurbaşkanı ... |
the Republican People's Party is pretty big | Cumhuriyetçi Halk Partisi oldukça büyük |
dwarf | cüce |
Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge | Pamuk Prenses ve Yedi Cüceler |
a sizzle / hissing sound | cızırtı |
a hissing sound was heard | bir cızırtı duyuldu |
the best kind | en iyi cins |
pounds (kilos) of the best kind of Turkish delight | kilolarca en iyi cins Türk lokumu |
it was murder | cinayetti |
gin | cin |
sharp-witted / quick-witted / elvish | cin gibi |
depressed | canı sıkkın |
monster | canavar |
he looked like a monster | bir canavara benziyordu |
to get what one deserves / lit. to find one's punishement | cezasını bulmak |
ignorant / uneducated / illiterate | cahil |
to keep s.o. in ignorance | cahil bırakmak |
to be talking through one's hat / to talk ignorantly ./ to talk about something without understanding what you are talking about | cahil cahil konuşmak |
to be superstitious and ignorant | batıl inançlı ve cahil olmak |
utterly ignorant | zır cahil |
courage / guts /nerve | cesaret |
to dare / to venture | cesaret etmek |
He didn't dare | cesaret edemedi |
only he didn't dare to disobey | fakat itaatsizlik etmeye cesaret edemedi |
When the soul does not leave, the habit won't leave. /Bents and habits live on till one's dying moment, implying, usually as a negative comment, that it is futile to expect an improvement. | Can çıkmayınca huy çıkmaz. |
to punish | cezalandırmak |
to be punished | cezalandırılmak |
Even if it was noticed the responsibles were not punished (or) kicked out of school. | fark edilse bile sorumlular cezalandırılmıyordu, okuldan atılmıyordu. |
coke | cola |
glass jar | cam kavanoz |
mercury /Quecksilber | cıva |
ruler /Lineal | cetvel |
witch (c) | cadı |
witchcraft | cadılık |
gown (lawyers /judges/wizards) Talar | cübbe - cüppe |
Life comes through the food pipe. | Can boğazdan gelir. |
Life goes through the food pipe. (mocking of the proverb saying the opposite /warning from obesity) | Can boğazdan gider. |
generous (ç) | çömert |
They call you "generous" and cause you to lose your property and possessions; they call you "valiant; brave-hearted" and cause you to lose your life. meaning: People mislead you by flattery. | Çömert derler maldan ederler, yiğit derler candan ederler. |
So long as any life remains in the body, we should not cease hoping. | Çıkmayan candan umut kesilmez. |
wallet | cüzdan |
My wallet has been stolen | cüzdanım çalındı |
skin / hide / cover / binding | cilt |
book binding | ciltleme |
to bind books | kitap ciltlemek |
He can't bind books like your father. | O, baban gibi kitap ciltleyemez. |
If I were in your place I would not touch that little monster. | Yerinde olsam o küçük canavara dokunmazdım. |
to flow over /to bubble over / effervesce /gush | coşmak |
miserly / scabbily /ungenerously | cimrice |
a poor deal / a bad bargain | cimrice bir pazarlık |
charm /attraction (more used in chemistry) | cazibe |
the revival of nature | doğanın yeniden canlanması |
mosquito net | cibinlik |
crystal clear water | cam gibi berrak su |
paradise | cennet |
this hidden paradise | bu gizli cennet |
republic | cumhuriyet |
the Turkish Republic | Türkiye Cumhuriyeti |
device / apparatus / appliance | cihaz |
electronic signal device | elektronik sinyal cihazı |
to spy | casusluk yapmak |
mobile device | mobil cihaz |
to read books on mobile devices | mobil cihazlarda kitap okumak |
a new device to read e-books | E-kitap okumaya yeni cihaz |
fassade / front | cephe |
frontage/fassade | ön cephe |
frontal attack | cephe taarruzu |
front commander | cephe komutanı |
frontal view | cephe görünüşü |
frontal view | cephe görünüşü |
front wall | ön cephe duvarı |
the gasket (rubber sealing ring) / washer / Dichtungsring (aus Gummi) | conta |
attractiveness/charme/, Liebreiz | cazibe |
transported with joy / impassioned / exhilarated /enthousiastic (c) | coşkulu |
enthusiastic crowd | coşkulu kalabalık |
jubilation | coşkulu sevinç |
overenthousiastic | aşırı coşkulu bir hâlde |
joyous spectators (i) | coşkulu izleyiciler |
frenzied welcome | coşkulu tezahürat |
elated / excited (c) /enthousiastic/ ¨überschäumend / begeistert / stürmisch / feurig | coşkun |
such an enthousiastic person | Öyle coşkun bir insan |
to charm / attract faszinate | cezbetmek |
It is part of an English tradition (g) that doesn't attract me. | Beni cezbetmeyen bir İngiliz geleneği parçası. |
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varnish / Lack | Cila |
the small sunspots on top of its varnish | Cilasının üstündeki ufak güneş lekeleri |
gazelle (c) | ceylan |
add /include /inject / mix into /put in / affiliate | katmak |
to give a lot of joy and health /to enliven /to revive/to refresh | cana can katmak |
The Law of the Lord is perfect, it refreshes the soul | RABbin yasası yetkindir, cana can katar, |
a glass curtain | cam perde |
He wears his glasses like a power charm, like a magical weapon, behind this glass curtain he becomes almost invisible. | gözlüğünü, bir kudret tılsımı, büyülü bir silâh gibi gözlerine takar, bu cam perde arkasında adeta görünmez olur |
if it were that the attraction /charm (being in love) had ended | cazibe sona ermiş olsaydı |
draft /Durchzug /courant d'air /electric current | cereyan |
"Ok," I muttered. "Let's look if there are monsters or not." | 'Tamam', diye mırıldandım. 'Canavar var mı, yok mu bir bakalım.' |
to yelp /squeak /squawk | ciyaklamak |
His friends shrieked in anger | Arkadaşları öfkeyle ciyakladılar. |