to bring | membawa |
to see | melihat |
did you see? | Apa kamu melihat? |
evening | malam |
Amazing! | Menakjubkan! |
where | di mana |
angry (adj.) /to be angry /to get angry | marah |
If you get angry breathe in deeply and count until ten. | Kalau kamu marah tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan hitung sampai sepuluh. |
to make | membuat |
What is the trick to make | Bagaimana caranya membuat... |
to change | merubah |
has changed | telah merubah |
as well as /or | maupun |
good or bad | baik maupun buruk |
Internet has changed our lifes for good or bad. | Internet telah merubah hidup kita baik maupun buruk. |
problem | masalah |
to result in / effect /inflict | mengakibatkan |
will result in | akan mengakibatkan |
to give | memberi(kan) |
I shower /I take a bath | aku mandi |
I grate (e. g. cheese) | aku memarut |
I brush my teeth | aku menyikat gigi |
to kiss /snog (m) | mencium |
when he saw me | Waktu dia melihat saya |
When he saw me, he kissed me twice on the cheek. | Waktu dia melihat saya dia cium saya di pipi dua kali. |
sorry | maaf |
to blame | menyalahkan |
sun | matahari |
red | merah |
pink | merah muda |
from where | dari mana |
Where is she from? | Dia dari mana? |
Where are you from ? | Kamu dari mana? |
to read | membaca |
I read the newspaper. | Saya membaca koranya. |
I read this newspaper. | Saya membaca koran ini. |
to write | menulis |
I write a book. | Saya menulis buku. |
Good night /evening (after sunset) | Selamat malam |
they | mereka |
to ask for | minta |
She asks for soy sauce | Dia minta kecap. |
to want | mau |
I want to pay | Saya mau bayar. |
food | makanan |
drink | minuman |
pepper | merica |
to enter | masuk |
creature /being | mahluk |
alian /extraterrestrial | mahluk angkasa luar |
I want to ask for | Saya mau minta |
your | -mu |
belongs to | milik |
mine | milikku |
yours | milikmu |
Andi's | milik Andi |
This is mine. | Ini milikku. |
his /hers | miliknya |
That book is hers. | Buku itu miliknya. |
to buy | membeli |
She buys a bag. | Dia membeli tas. |
coat | mantel |
why (m) | mengapa |
Why and how? | Mengapa dan bagaimana? |
Why are you going? | Mengapa kamu pergi? |
Why do you read this book? | Mengapa kamu membaca buku ini? |
my pink dress | gaun merah muda saya |
to help | membantu |
You don't help us. | Kamu tidak membantu kami. |
to start / begin | memulai |
Andi starts school | Andi memulai sekolah. |
to eat | memakan |
prefix to verbs that turns the focus on the subject (actor) | me(n) - |
SHE is eating an apple. | Dia memakan apel. |
to open | membuka |
to choose | memilih |
I choose this. | Saya memilih ini. |
He chooses me. | Dia memilih saya. |
to drink | meminum |
to call | memanggil |
They call me. | Mereka memanggil saya. |
to pull | menarik |
He pulled my shirt. | Dia menarik kemeja saya. |
I pull her bag. | Saya menarik tasnya. |
to build | membangun |
I build my house here | Saya membangun rumahku di sini. |
to spread | menjalar |
the fire did not spread | api tidak menjalar |
food and drinks | makanan dan minuman |
We (not you) eat at the hotel. | Kami makan di hotel. |
Start! | Mulai! |
They begin to eat. | Mereka mulai makan. |
to appear | muncul |
She appears from the kitchen. | Dia muncul dari dapur. |
to wear | memakai |
I wear gloves and socks. | Saya memakai sarung tangan dan kaus kaki. |
He is buying tomato soup. | Dia membeli sup tomat. |
to push | mendorong |
we (not you) pushed him. | Kami mendorong dia. |
to protect | menjaga |
He is not protecting you. | Dia menjaga kamu. |
to throw | melempar |
He throws an apple. | Dia melempar apel. |
to become | menjadi |
This book does not become mine. | Buku ini tidak menjadi milik saya. |
to hear | mendengar |
They hear Tini read. | Mereka mendengar Tini membaca. |
I didn't throw your book. | Saya tidak melempar bukumu. |
to look for | mencari |
I am looking for you (pl). | Saya mencari kalian. |
to sell | menjual |
I didn't sell your tomatoes. | Saya tidak menjual tomat kalian. |
She falls when we push her. | Dia jatuh ketika kami mendorong dia. |
to receive | mendapat |
I didn't receive food. | Saya tidak mendapat makanan. |
easy | mudah |
This book is easy. | Buku ini mudah. |
This is not easy, this is difficult. | Ini tidak mudah, ini sulit. |
to visit (m) | mengunjungi |
to get /receive | mendapatkan |
causative suffix /to make something happen /often used for imperatives /instructions /cooking recipies | -kan |