tomorrow | besok |
tomorrow is Friday | besok hari jumat |
Bring along! | Bawa! |
It will rain today, bring an umbrella along. | Hari ini akan hujan, bawa payung. |
to play | bermain |
to say | bilang |
how | bagaimana |
am not / are not /is not (negation of a noun) | bukan |
good | baik |
bad | buruk |
can | bisa |
I can | saya bisa |
Give it! (no mem- because it is imperative / aldo it is transitiv =it takes an object) | Berikan! |
I can give ten reasons | aku bisa berikan sepuluh alasan |
crackers / cookie | biskuit |
fruit | buah |
dried fruit | buah kering |
cough | batuk |
bus | bis |
blue | biru |
She is not from Bali. | Dia bukan dari Bali. |
She is from Jakarta not from Bali. | Dia dari Jakarta bukan dari Bali. |
big | besar |
book | buku |
to pay | bayar |
I pay for my food. | Saya bayar makanan saya. |
how many /how much | berapa |
How old are you? | Berapa umur kamu? |
lots /much | banyak |
to dream | bermimpi |
last night I dreamed | semalam saya bermimpi |
to think | berpikir |
to speak | berbicara |
She does not think but speak. | Dia tidak berpikir tapi berbicara. |
to stop | berhenti |
to hope | berharap |
We hope that she will come home. | Kami berharap dia pulang. |
to get together with | berkumpul dengan |
I get together with them. | Saya berkumpul dengan mereka. |
to learn | belajar |
They play and learn. | Mereka bermain dan belajar. |
to be | berada |
Where are they? | Di mana mereka berada? |
to leave (for) | berangkat (ke) |
She leaves for school. | Dia berangkat ke sekolah. |
Tini is at home with Andi. | Tini berada di rumah dengan Andi. |
to walk | berjalan |
We stop, they walk. | Kami berhenti, mereka berjalan. |
together | bersama |
We play together. | Kami bermain bersama. |
right /correct | benar |
That is not right. | Itu tidak benar. |
She is right. | Dia benar. |
My book is blue. | Buku saya biru. |
to originate /to come from | berasal |
I am from Bali. /I originate... | Saya berasal dari Bali. |
I can't | saya tidak bisa |
to visit | berkunjung |
I want to visit your house. | Saya mau berkunjung ke rumah kamu. |
to compete | bersaing |
Dia dan saya bersaing di sekolah. | He and I compete at school. |
to progress /flourish | berkembang |
You are not progressing. | Kamu tidak berkembang. |
to be valid | berlaku |
This is the valid price. | Ini harga yang berlaku. |
to move | bergerek |
They are not moving. | Mereka tidak bergerak. |
My shop is not flourishing. | Toko saya tidak berkembang. |
to succeed | berhasil |
to change | berubah |
you changed | kamu berubah |
I am not competing with you. | Saya tidak bersaing dengan kamu. |
to stand up | berdiri |
He stands up and walks. | Dia berdiri dan berjalan. |
She did not succeed. | Dia tidak berhasil. |
How are they? | Bagaimana mereka? |
Really? | Benarkah? |
stupid | bodoh |
to swim | berenang |