Indonesian vocabulary 2 - b

tomorrow is Fridaybesok hari jumat
Bring along!Bawa!
It will rain today, bring an umbrella along.Hari ini akan hujan, bawa payung.
to playbermain
to saybilang
am not / are not /is not (negation of a noun)bukan
I cansaya bisa
Give it! (no mem- because it is imperative / aldo it is transitiv =it takes an object)Berikan!
I can give ten reasonsaku bisa berikan sepuluh alasan
crackers / cookiebiskuit
dried fruitbuah kering
She is not from Bali.Dia bukan dari Bali.
She is from Jakarta not from Bali.Dia dari Jakarta bukan dari Bali.
to paybayar
I pay for my food.Saya bayar makanan saya.
how many /how muchberapa
How old are you?Berapa umur kamu?
lots /muchbanyak
to dreambermimpi
last night I dreamedsemalam saya bermimpi
to thinkberpikir
to speakberbicara
She does not think but speak.Dia tidak berpikir tapi berbicara.
to stopberhenti
to hopeberharap
We hope that she will come home.Kami berharap dia pulang.
to get together withberkumpul dengan
I get together with them.Saya berkumpul dengan mereka.
to learnbelajar
They play and learn.Mereka bermain dan belajar.
to beberada
Where are they?Di mana mereka berada?
to leave (for)berangkat (ke)
She leaves for school.Dia berangkat ke sekolah.
Tini is at home with Andi.Tini berada di rumah dengan Andi.
to walkberjalan
We stop, they walk.Kami berhenti, mereka berjalan.
We play together.Kami bermain bersama.
right /correctbenar
That is not right.Itu tidak benar.
She is right.Dia benar.
My book is blue.Buku saya biru.
to originate /to come fromberasal
I am from Bali. /I originate...Saya berasal dari Bali.
I can'tsaya tidak bisa
to visitberkunjung
I want to visit your house.Saya mau berkunjung ke rumah kamu.
to competebersaing
Dia dan saya bersaing di sekolah.He and I compete at school.
to progress /flourishberkembang
You are not progressing.Kamu tidak berkembang.
to be validberlaku
This is the valid price.Ini harga yang berlaku.
to movebergerek
They are not moving.Mereka tidak bergerak.
My shop is not flourishing.Toko saya tidak berkembang.
to succeedberhasil
to changeberubah
you changedkamu berubah
I am not competing with you.Saya tidak bersaing dengan kamu.
to stand upberdiri
He stands up and walks.Dia berdiri dan berjalan.
She did not succeed.Dia tidak berhasil.
How are they?Bagaimana mereka?
to swimberenang