Reading Turkish: Gospel of John 8 - Gospel of John - Birinci bölüm - 7

to comegelmek
he camegeldi
for the purpose ofamacıyla
witness /testimonytanıklık
He came for the purpose of witnessTanıklık amacıyla geldi.
to witness (+dat.)tanıklık etmek
let him testifytanıklık etsin
that / so /word to connect direct speech to the main sentence when the main sentence uses any verb other than demekdiye
that he witnessedtanıklık etsin diye
He came to witness to the light.ışığa tanıklık etsin diye geldi
Bravo! So far you have memorized fifty words.Aferin! Şu ana kadar elli tane kelime ezberledin.
to believeiman etmek
let everybody believe /that everybody may believeherkes iman etsin
he came that everybody may believeherkes iman etsin diye geldi
he came to witness to the light and that everybody may believeışığa tanıklık etsin ve herkes iman etsin diye geldi
he came to witness to the light and that through him everybody may believeışığa tanıklık etsin ve herkes onun aracılığıyla iman etsin diye geldi
He came for the purpose of witness, to witness to the light and that through him everybody may believe.Tanıklık amacıyla, ışığa tanıklık etsin ve herkes onun aracılığıyla iman etsin diye geldi.