horse | at |
cow | inek |
sheep | koyun |
animals | hayvanlar |
like | gibi |
animals like horses cows and sheep | at inek koyun gibi hayvanlar |
to give | vermek |
he gave (rep.) / it is said that he has given | vermiş |
He gave animals like horses cows and sheep | at inek koyun gibi hayvanlar vermiş |
villager | köylü |
he gave (rep.) to the villagers | köylülere vermiş |
master /landowner | ağa |
one of | biri |
rich | zengin |
one of the rich landlords | zengin ağalarından biri |
one of the rich landlords gave (rep) animals like horses cows sheep to his villagers | zengin ağalarından biri köylülerine at inek koyun gibi hayvanlar vermiş |
to feed | beslemek |
Feed! (you sg) | Besle! |
Let him feed! (imp. /that he should feed | beslesin! |
Feed! (you pl) (more formal) | Besleyin(iz) |
Let them feed! (imp. 3 pl) /that they should feed | beslesinler! |
A rich landlord gave to the villagers animals to feed. (they should feed them) | Zengin bir ağa köylülere beslesinler diye hayvanlar vermiş. |
One of the rich landlords gave animals like horses, cows, sheep to his villagers that they should feed them. | Zengin ağalarından biri köylülerine beslesinler diye at inek koyun gibi hayvanlar vermiş. |