Reading Turkish: The Wheel of Time Vol. 1- The Eye of the World - Dünyanın Gözü 28 - Chapter 1- Boş bir yol - zb

without thinkingdüşünmeden
to thinkdüşünmek
to touchdokunmak
Rand touched his arrow.Rand okuna dokundu.
Without thinking Rand touched his arrow.Rand düşünmeden okuna dokundu.
to teachöğretmek
As Tam had taughtTam'ın öğretmiş olduğu gibi
As Tam had taught himTam'ın ona öğretmiş olduğu gibi
single / exclusive / only / solitary / unique / onetek
in a single movementtek harekette
all the way to his cheekyanağına kadar
He was ready.O hazırdı.
He was ready to draw the arrowOku çekmeye hazırdı
He was ready to draw the arrow in a single movementTek harekette oku çekmeye hazırdı.
He was ready to draw the arrow in a single movement all the way up to his cheek.Tek harekette yanağına kadar oku çekmeye hazırdı.
Without thinking Rand touched his arrow ready as Tam had taught him to draw (it) in a single movement all the way to his cheek.Rand düşünmeden okuna dokundu Tam'ın ona öğretmiş olduğu gibi tek harekette yanağına kadar çekmeye hazırdı.