Reading Turkish: Narnia Günlükleri - İkinci Kitap - Aslan, Cadı ve Dolap - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 27 - Chapter 1-z

after thatondan sonra
successivelyardı sıra
to each otherbirbirine
opening into each otherbirbirine açılan
a lot of (s)sürüyle
there were lots of rooms opening into one anotherbirbirine açılan sürüyle oda vardı
After that there were a lot of rooms opening successively into each otherOndan sonra ardı sıra birbirine açılan sürüyle oda vardı
all (h)hepsi
all were fullhepsi doluydu
with bookskitaplarla
and all were full of booksve hepsi kitaplarla doluydu
quite /prettyepeyce
old /ancienteski
pretty old booksepeyce eski kitaplar
the majority /most of themçoğunluğu
most of them were quite old booksçoğunluğu epeyce eski kitaplardı
After that there were a lot of rooms opening successively into each other and all were full of books, most of them were quite old booksOndan sonra ardı sıra birbirine açılan sürüyle oda vardı ve hepsi kitaplarla doluydu; çoğunluğu epeyce eski kitaplardı
some (of them)bazıları
l'évangile /gospel /New Testament /(commonly used for: Bible)incil
the bible in church (lit. the NT)kilisedeki incil
they were even bigger than the Bible in churchkilisedeki İncil'den bile büyüktü
some of them were bigger than the Bible in a churchbazıları kilisedeki İncil'den bile büyüktü.
After that there were a lot of rooms opening successively into each other and all were full of books, most of them were quite old books and some of them were bigger than the Bible in a church.Ondan sonra ardı sıra birbirine açılan sürüyle oda vardı ve hepsi kitaplarla doluydu; çoğunluğu epeyce eski kitaplardı ve bazıları kilisedeki İncil'den bile büyüktü.