Sutōrī - Conlang

How are you?
Mas kar yoko!
Mas kar yoko! English: How are you? Literal: You how okay!
How’s it going?
Mas kanasai kai masandas?
Mas kanasai kai masandas? English: How’s it going? Literal: You be how, question?
I must go.
Noe dah hoshindes.
literal: must go
I’m good, thanks.
Gya nor, nakai yoko!
Gya nor, nakai yoko! English: I’m good, thanks. Literal: I good, thank you!
Language Rules
Language Rules and Explanations: 1. **Base Words**: - The foundation of the language is built upon base words. - Each base word represents a single concept or action. - Example: "keh" (come), "gi" (liquid), "mor" (stay). 2. **First-Layer Words**: - Created by logically combining two base words. - Each first-layer word has a single English meaning. - Example: "foedar" (tool, Literal: device + color). 3. **Second-Layer Words**: - Formed by combining a first-layer word with another base or first-layer word. - The connector "ha" is used between layers for clarity. - Example: "foedarhahmorfar" (implement, Literal: tool ha refuge). 4. **Grammar**: - Sentence structure generally follows Subject-Verb-Object order. - Questions are formed by adding "masandas?" at the end of a sentence. - Exclamations use "Yoko!" at the end. - Optional statement marker: "hoshindes." 5. **Pronunciation Rules**: - Avoid vowel-vowel clashes by inserting an "n" between vowels if the next character starts with a "y". - Example: "kehgie yan" becomes "kehgie nyan". 6. **Word Categories**: - Words are categorized into Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, and Adverbs. - Each word belongs to a single category, with first-layer and second-layer distinctions. 7. **Tense Suffixes**: - "yon" for past, "yan" for present, "yen" for future. - Example: "kehyon" (came), "kehhayan" (coming), "kehhayen" (will come). 8. **Common Phrases**: - Greetings: "Nya, kehmas?" (Hello, how are you?). - Gratitude: "Nakai mas." (Thank you.) - Farewell: "Dya kehmas!" (See you later!) These rules form the foundation for creating, understanding, and using the language effectively.
Nice to meet you!
Nor foe mas, yoko!
Nor foe mas, yoko! English: Nice to meet you! Literal: Good greet you, okay!
Present Tence
What is Thank You
Nakai Mas
mas nakai
nakia mas
What is Thank?
What Is You?
What’s your name?
Mas leh kae masandas?
Mas leh kae masandas? English: What’s your name? Literal: You name, question?
Where are you from?
Mas sou koe masandas?
Mas sou koe masandas? English: Where are you from? Literal: You combine, question?