Question | Answer |
Albania | Arnavutluk |
Andorra | Andorra |
Anguilla | Anguilla |
Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua ve Barbuda |
Argentina | Arjantin |
Armenia | Ermenistan |
Aruba | Aruba |
Austria | Avusturya |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaycan |
Bahamas | Bahama Bahamalar, Bahama Adaları |
Barbados | Barbados |
Belarus | Belarusya Also known in Turkish as Beyaz Rusya. |
Belgium | Belçika |
Belize | Beliz Belize |
Bermuda | Bermuda |
Bolivia | Bolivya |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bonsa-Hersek |
Brazil | Brezilya |
British Virgin Islands | İngiliz Virgin Adaları |
Bulgaria | Bulgaristan |
Canada | Kanada |
Caribbean Netherlands | Karayıp Hollandası Includes the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, with the same spelling in Turkish. |
Cayman Islands | Keyman Adaları Cayman Adaları |
Central America | Orta America |
Chile | Şili |
Colombia | Kolombiya |
Costa Rica | Kosta Rika Kostarika |
Croatia | Hırvatistan |
Cuba | Küba |
Curaçao | Kurasao |
Cyprus | Kıbrıs For the time being, Cyprus (The Republic of...) is a full member of the EU, but the country remains divided by the Green Line. The self-declared 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus' is not recognized by the British government. |
Czech Republic | Çek Cumhuryeti Also known in English as Czechia and Çekya in Turkish. |
Denmark | Danimarka |
Dominica | Dominik Dominika |
Dominican Republic | Dominik Cumhuriyeti |
Ecuador | Ekvador |
El Salvador | El Salvador |
Estonia | Estonya |
Europe | Avrupa |
European Union | Avrupa Birliği |
Falkland Islands | Falkland Adaları |
Finland | Finlandiya |
France | Fransa |
French Guiana | Fransız Guyanası |
Georgia | Gürcistan |
Germany | Almanya |
Greece | Yunanistan |
Greenland | Grönland Grönland Adası |
Grenada | Grenada |
Guadeloupe | Guadelup Guadelupe, Guadölup |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Guyana | Guyana |
Haiti | Haiti |
Honduras | Honduras |
Hungary | Macaristan |
Iceland | İzlanda |
Ireland | İrlanda |
Italy | İtalya |
Jamaica | Jamaika |
Kazakhstan | Kazakistan |
Kosovo | Kosava |
Kyrgyzstan | Kırgızistan |
Latvia | Letonya |
Liechtenstein | Lihtenştayn |
Lithuania | Litvanya |
Luxembourg | Lüksemburg |
Malta | Malta |
Martinique | Martinik |
Mexico | Meksika |
Moldova | Moldova |
Monaco | Monako |
Montenegro | Karadağ |
Netherlands | Hollanda |
Nicaragua | Nikaragua |
North America | Kuzey Amerika |
North Macedonia | Kuzey Makedonya Previously Macedonia, after a several decade dispute with Greece, in 2019 the country's name was formally changed to The Republic of North Macedonia. |
Norway | Norveç |
Panama | Panama |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Peru | Peru |
Poland | Polonya |
Portugal | Portekiz |
Puerto Rico | Porto Riko Portoriko |
Republic | Cumhuriyet |
Romania | Romanya |
Russia | Rusya |
Saint Barthelemy | Saint Barthelemy Sp. Saint Barthélemy (accent withheld here due to ease of typing) |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Kitts ve Nevis |
Saint Martin | Saint Martin The Saint Martin Island is split in half, north and south. The northern halfö Saint Martin, held by France, and the southern half, Sint Marteen, by the Dutch (Netherlands). |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Saint Pierre ve Miquelon |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saint Vincent ve Grenadinler Saint Vincent ve Grenadine Adaları |
San Marino | San Marino |
Scotland | İskoçya |
Serbia | Sırbistan |
Sint Marteen | Sint Marteen The Saint Martin Island is split in half, north and south. The northern halfö Saint Martin, held by France, and the southern half, Sint Marteen, by the Dutch (Netherlands). |
Slovakia | Slovakya |
Slovenia | Slovenya |
South America | Güney Amerika |
Spain | İspanya |
St. Lucia | St. Luçiya Santa Luçiya |
Suriname | Surinami |
Sweden | İsveç |
Switzerland | İsviçre |
Tajikistan | Tacikistan |
The United States of America (USA) | Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) |
The United States Virgin Islands | Amerikan Virgin Adaları |
Trinidad and Tabago | Trinidad ve Tabago |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad ve Tabago |
Turkmenistan | Türkmenistan |
Türkiye | Türkiye In 2022, Turkey requested their international name be recognized by their Turkish name, Türkiye. |
Ukraine | Ukrayna |
United Kingdom | Birleşik Krallık |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
Uzbekistan | Özbekistan |
Vatican City | Vatikan |
Venezula | Venezula |