(postfix) the /its /his /her | -nya |
grey | abu-abu |
is | ada(lah) |
somewhat /rather /a kind of/ quite | agak |
a bit distant | agak jauh |
appendix | apendiks |
direction /course /way | arah |
early /beginning | awal |
father | ayah |
father unknown (... t..) | ayah tidak diketahui |
chapter | bab |
chapter one | bab satu |
even /moreover | bahkan |
steel | baja |
steel from Mortmesne /Mortmesnian steel | baja Mortmesne |
bandage /wrap /dressing translates as 'dressed' | balutan |
Righteous Barty / Barty the Good | Barty Berbudi |
dagger | belati |
to be | berada |
to be here | berada di sini |
righteous /courteous | berbudi |
galloping /marching (making the sound of...) | berderap |
spiked /thorned | berduri |
motionless | bergeming |
to flutter (in the wind) | berkibar |
fluttering (redoubling of verbs : continued action / leisurely done action (just... /about...) / intensified action /(+neg) never ever happened action | berkibar-kibar |
to have a horse /mounted | berkuda |
to ride (b) /be on horse | berkuda |
to perch | bertengger |
hooded /veiled | bertudung |
book | buku |
First book | buku pertama |
branch | cabang |
a tree branch | cabang pohon |
in | dalam |
dressed in a cloak/robe | dalam balutan jubah |
dressed in a royal robe | dalam balutan jubah Kerajaan |
and | dan |
near / close | dekat |
with | dengan |
with balance | dengan keseimbangan |
with perfect balance | dengan keseimbangan sempurna |
with one horseman /cavalry | dengan satu prajurit berkuda |
with a cavalry at some distance from each corner of the main force | dengan satu prajurit berkuda agak jauh di setiap sudut pasukan utama |
front | depan |
clatter (sound of feet walking fast /or horse feet) | derap |
at the base | di pangkal |
at the base of a tree branch | di pangkal cabang pohon |
(over) there | di sana |
on / at every corner | di setiap sudut |
at each corner of the main force | di setiap sudut pasukan utama |
here | di sini |
prefix that makes a verb passive | di- |
he /she /it | dia |
She perched (over) there | dia bertengger di sana |
She perched there with perfect balance. | Dia bertengger di sana dengan keseimbangan sempurna. |
She sat about nine meters from the front door of her house. | Dia duduk sekitar sembilan meter dari pintu depan rumahnya. |
she was watching the troops | dia memperhatikan pasukan |
She watched the troops approaching her home grounds. | Dia memperhatikan pasukan yang mendekati lahan rumahnya. |
She watched the troops (which were) approaching. | Dia memperhatikan pasukan yang mendekati. |
raised /fostered | diasuh |
raised by Carlin and Bartholemew Glynn. | Diasuh oleh Carlin dan Bartholemew Glynn. |
to be known (... k..) | dikenal |
narrated | dikisahkan |
to be marked | ditandai |
to be ridden | ditunggangi |
to sit | duduk |
expression | ekspresi |
their expressions | ekspresi mereka |
their sullen expressions | ekspresi muram mereka |
Their sullen expressions while they guided (their) horses | Ekspresi muram mereka saat mengarahkan kuda |
Their sullen expressions while they guided (their) horses towards the cottage | Ekspresi muram mereka saat mengarahkan kuda menuju pondok |
Their sullen expressions while they guided their horses towards the cottage were very clear in their meaning: They didn't want to be here. | Ekspresi muram mereka saat mengarahkan kuda menuju pondok sangat jelas maknanya: Mereka tidak ingin berada di sini. |
Their sullen expressions were very clear in their meaning. | Ekspresi muram mereka sangat jelas maknanya. |
Their sullen expressions were very clear in their meaning: They didn't want to be here. | Ekspresi muram mereka sangat jelas maknanya: Mereka tidak ingin berada di sini. |
mace /cudgel /club | gada |
heart | hati |
mother | ibu |
mother: Queen Elyssa Raleigh | Ibu: Ratu Elyssa Raleigh |
index | indeks |
to want /wish /desire | ingin |
far /distant | jauh |
clear | jelas |
cloak /robe | jubah |
the cloak of the rider | jubah penunggangnya |
the cloaks of the riders were (continously) fluttering | jubah penunggangnya berkibar-kibar |
The riders' cloaks kept fluttering while they were riding, exposing their expensive weaponry, swords and daggers, all of them made from Mortmesnian steel. | Jubah penunggangnya berkibar-kibar saat mereka berkuda, menampakkan senjata-senjata mahal mereka, pedang dan belati, semuanya terbuat dari baja Mortmesne. |
The riders' cloaks kept fluttering while they were riding, exposing their expensive weaponry. | Jubah penunggangnya berkibar-kibar saat mereka berkuda, menampakkan senjata-senjata mahal mereka. |
The riders' cloaks kept fluttering while they were riding. | Jubah penunggangnya berkibar-kibar saat mereka berkuda. |
also | juga |
also known as | juga dikenal sebagai |
Kelsea could see | Kelsea bisa melihat |
Kelsea could see its horrifying spiked head sticking out of the saddle | Kelsea bisa melihat kepala berdurinya yang mengerikan mencuat dari pelana. |
Kelsea sat cloaked (Kelsea sat dressed/wrapped in a cloak) | Kelsea duduk dalam balutan jubah |
Kelsea sat cloaked and hooded | Kelsea duduk dalam balutan jubah bertudung |
Kelsea sat at the base of a tree branch | Kelsea duduk di pangkal cabang pohon |
Kelsea sat, cloaked and hooded, at the base of a tree branch about nine meters from the front door of her house. | Kelsea duduk, dalam balutan jubah bertudung, di pangkal cabang pohon sekitar sembilan meter dari pintu depan rumahnya. |
Kelsea Glynn sat | Kelsea Glynn duduk |
Kelsea Glynn sat motionless | Kelsea Glynn duduk bergeming |
Kelsea Glynn sat motionless, watching the troops approaching her home grounds. | Kelsea Glynn duduk bergeming, memperhatikan pasukan yang mendekati lahan rumahnya. |
Kelsea Glynn sat motionless watching the troops. | Kelsea Glynn duduk bergeming, memperhatikan pasukan. |
exactly right/ true fit /suitable/ coherent (combined)/ moderate and proper (about clothes) | kena |
to know (k) /be familiar with /to be acquainted with | kenal |
head | kepala |
its spiked head | kepala berdurinya |
its horrifying spiked head (its spiked head which was horrifying) | kepala berdurinya yang mengerikan |
its horrifying spiked head sticking out of the saddle | kepala berdurinya yang mengerikan mencuat dari pelana |
royal | kerajaan |
first (k) | kesatu |
unit/ corps/ entity /contingent | kesatuan |
military unit | kesatuan militer |
balance | keseimbangan |
the tenth | kesepuluh |
the seventh | ketujuh |
story /tale | kisah |
horse | kuda |
horse | kuda |
the tenth horse | kuda kesepuluh |
land /soil / terrain / area | lahan |
homestead /home ground | lahan rumah |
her home grounds | lahan rumahnya |
see! | lihat |
see appendix | lihat apendiks |
see appendix XI (kesebelas = eleventh) | lihat apendiks XI |
see appendix XI (kesebelas) for speculation | lihat apendiks XI untuk spekulasinya |
expensive | mahal |
meaning /significance | makna |
to see /look | melihat |
to carry | membawa |
to make | membuat |
to observe /pay attention to /watch | memperhatikan |
to show /reveal /expose | menampakkan |
exposing their expensive weaponry | menampakkan senjata-senjata mahal mereka |
to stick out | mencuat |
sticking out of the saddle | mencuat dari pelana |
to approach | mendekati |
to direct /aim /point /manoeuver | mengarahkan |
to wear | mengenakan |
horrible /terrible /awful /horrifying /hideous /blood curling | mengerikan |
to create /cause /inflict | menimbulkan |
towards | menuju |
towards the cottage | menuju pondok |
to ride | menunggang |
they | mereka |
They were here. | Mereka (ber)ada di sini. |
they marched | mereka berderap |
They marched as a military unit with one horse soldier at some distance from each corner of the main force, all wearing the grey uniform of the Royal guard of Tearling. | Mereka berderap sebagai kesatuan militer dengan satu prajurit berkuda agak jauh di setiap sudut pasukan utama, seluruhnya mengenakan seragam abu-abu pengawal Kerajaan Tearling. |
They marched as a military unit with one horse soldier at some distance from each corner of the main force. | Mereka berderap sebagai kesatuan militer dengan satu prajurit berkuda agak jauh di setiap sudut pasukan utama. |
They marched as a military unit. | Mereka berderap sebagai kesatuan militer. |
they guided (their) horses | mereka mengarahkan kuda |
They guided their horses towards the cottage. | Mereka mengarahkan kuda menuju pondok. |
They were not here. | Mereka tidak (ber)ada di sini. |
They did not eant to be here. | Mereka tidak ingin berada di sini. |
military (adj) | militer |
gloomy /somber /sad /sullen | muram |
by /of (particle that links a passive verb to the author of the action) | oleh |
a person | orang |
base /beginning | pangkal |
troops /brigade | pasukan |
cavalry | pasukan berkuda |
the troops approached | pasukan mendekati |
the main force /main army | pasukan utama |
sword /blade | pedang |
swords and daggers (redoubling for plural happens only when absolutely needed) | pedang dan belati |
saddle | pelana |
bodyguard /sentry /escort /guard | pengawal |
the Royal guard | pengawal Kerajaan |
rider | penunggang |
a rider is a person who is riding | penunggang adalah orang yang menunggang |
the rider | penunggangnya |
first | pertama |
door | pintu |
front door | pintu depan |
the front door of her house | pintu depan rumahnya |
tree | pohon |
that tree | pohon itu |
That tree didn't even cause a little bit of noise. | Pohon itu tak menimbulkan sedikit pun bunyi. |
cottage | pondok |
soldier | prajurit |
horseman /horse soldier | prajurit berkuda |
the soldier carried | prajurit membawa |
even | pun |
king | raja |
queen | ratu |
Queen Glynn-Kelsea Raleigh Glynn | Ratu Glynn-Kelsea Raleigh Glynn |
Queen Glynn-Kelsea Raleigh Glynn, seventh Queen of the Tearling. Also known as the Marked Queen. | Ratu Glynn-Kelsea Raleigh Glynn, Ratu Tearling ketujuh. Juga dikenal sebagai Ratu yang Ditandai. |
Queen of Tearling | Ratu Tearling |
the seventh Queen of Tearling | Ratu Tearling ketujuh |
the marked queen /the queen who is marked | ratu yang ditandai |
house | rumah |
while | saat |
while they guided their horses | saat mengarahkan kuda |
while they were riding (b) | saat mereka berkuda |
wrong | salah |
one of | salah satu |
one of the soldiers | salah satu prajurit |
One of the soldiers even carried a mace. | Salah satu prajurit bahkan membawa gada. |
One of the soldiers even carried a mace; Kelsea could see its horrifying spiked head sticking out of the saddle`. | Salah satu prajurit bahkan membawa gada; Kelsea bisa melihat kepala berdurinya yang mengerikan mencuat dari pelana. |
very | sangat |
very clear | sangat jelas |
very clear in their/its meaning | sangat jelas maknanya |
one | satu |
one | satu |
as /by the way of /in the role of /as being a... (e g. as an example /as an eyewitness, I ...) | sebagai |
eleven (XI) | sebelas |
a little bit | sedikit |
so that | sehingga |
history /annals /chronicles | sejarah |
Early History of Tearling | Sejarah Awal Tearling |
Early History of Tearling (Index) as narrated by Merwinian | Sejarah Awal Tearling (Indeks) seperti dikisahkan oleh Merwinian |
about /approximately /circa | sekitar |
about nine meters | sekitar sembilan meter |
about nine meters from the door | sekitar sembilan meter dari pintu |
the whole | seluruh |
the entirety /altogether | seluruhnya |
all wearing grey uniforms | seluruhnya mengenakan seragam abu-abu |
all wearing the grey uniform of the Royal guard of Tearling | seluruhnya mengenakan seragam abu-abu pengawal Kerajaan Tearling |
nine | sembilan |
perfect | sempurna |
all | semua |
everything | semuanya |
all (of them) made of steel | semuanya terbuat dari baja |
all of them made from Mortmesnian steel | semuanya terbuat dari baja Mortmesne |
weapon /arms /gun | senjata |
weapons /weaponry /arms (redoubling of nouns : plural) | senjata-senjata |
their expensive weaponry | senjata-senjata mahal mereka |
as (for example) / like (her > I want to be like her) / (for comparison) / similar to / same as | seperti |
as narrated by Merwinian | seperti dikisahkan oleh Merwinian |
ten | sepuluh |
ten horses | sepuluh kuda |
uniform | seragam |
grey uniform | seragam abu-abu |
the grey uniforms of the Royal guard of Tearling | seragam abu-abu pengawal Kerajaan Tearling |
something | sesuatu |
every | setiap |
every corner | setiap sudut |
speculation | spekulasi |
corner | sudut |
to know (t) | tahu |
not even a little bit | tak sedikit pun |
not even a little bit of noise | tak sedikit pun bunyi |
sign /mark /symbol /token | tanda |
made (of) | terbuat |
made of steel | terbuat dari baja |
not (to negate verbs and adjectives) | tidak |
unknown (... t...) | tidak diketahui |
hood /veil / cover /lid | tudung |
seven | tujuh |
seven queens | tujuh ratu |
uneven (road surface etbumpy (road) /up and down/to and fro (people walking) /up and down(boat played by waves) | tunggang-tunggit |
mount (horse) | tunggangan |
a mount is something that is ridden | tunggangan adalah sesuatu yang ditunggangi |
for | untuk |
for the speculation /for its speculation | untuk spekulasinya |
main | utama |
which/who is (remains often untranslated) | yang |