Reading Indonesian - The Queen of the Tearling - Erika Johansen

(postfix) the /its /his /her-nya
somewhat /rather /a kind of/ quiteagak
a bit distantagak jauh
direction /course /wayarah
early /beginningawal
father unknown (... t..)ayah tidak diketahui
chapter onebab satu
even /moreoverbahkan
steel from Mortmesne /Mortmesnian steelbaja Mortmesne
bandage /wrap /dressing translates as 'dressed'balutan
Righteous Barty / Barty the GoodBarty Berbudi
to beberada
to be hereberada di sini
righteous /courteousberbudi
galloping /marching (making the sound of...)berderap
spiked /thornedberduri
to flutter (in the wind)berkibar
fluttering (redoubling of verbs : continued action / leisurely done action (just... /about...) / intensified action /(+neg) never ever happened actionberkibar-kibar
to have a horse /mountedberkuda
to ride (b) /be on horseberkuda
to perchbertengger
hooded /veiledbertudung
First bookbuku pertama
a tree branchcabang pohon
dressed in a cloak/robedalam balutan jubah
dressed in a royal robedalam balutan jubah Kerajaan
near / closedekat
with balancedengan keseimbangan
with perfect balancedengan keseimbangan sempurna
with one horseman /cavalrydengan satu prajurit berkuda
with a cavalry at some distance from each corner of the main forcedengan satu prajurit berkuda agak jauh di setiap sudut pasukan utama
clatter (sound of feet walking fast /or horse feet)derap
at the basedi pangkal
at the base of a tree branchdi pangkal cabang pohon
(over) theredi sana
on / at every cornerdi setiap sudut
at each corner of the main forcedi setiap sudut pasukan utama
heredi sini
prefix that makes a verb passivedi-
he /she /itdia
She perched (over) theredia bertengger di sana
She perched there with perfect balance.Dia bertengger di sana dengan keseimbangan sempurna.
She sat about nine meters from the front door of her house.Dia duduk sekitar sembilan meter dari pintu depan rumahnya.
she was watching the troopsdia memperhatikan pasukan
She watched the troops approaching her home grounds.Dia memperhatikan pasukan yang mendekati lahan rumahnya.
She watched the troops (which were) approaching.Dia memperhatikan pasukan yang mendekati.
raised /fostereddiasuh
raised by Carlin and Bartholemew Glynn.Diasuh oleh Carlin dan Bartholemew Glynn.
to be known (... k..)dikenal
to be markedditandai
to be riddenditunggangi
to sitduduk
their expressionsekspresi mereka
their sullen expressionsekspresi muram mereka
Their sullen expressions while they guided (their) horsesEkspresi muram mereka saat mengarahkan kuda
Their sullen expressions while they guided (their) horses towards the cottageEkspresi muram mereka saat mengarahkan kuda menuju pondok
Their sullen expressions while they guided their horses towards the cottage were very clear in their meaning: They didn't want to be here.Ekspresi muram mereka saat mengarahkan kuda menuju pondok sangat jelas maknanya: Mereka tidak ingin berada di sini.
Their sullen expressions were very clear in their meaning.Ekspresi muram mereka sangat jelas maknanya.
Their sullen expressions were very clear in their meaning: They didn't want to be here.Ekspresi muram mereka sangat jelas maknanya: Mereka tidak ingin berada di sini.
mace /cudgel /clubgada
mother: Queen Elyssa RaleighIbu: Ratu Elyssa Raleigh
to want /wish /desireingin
far /distantjauh
cloak /robejubah
the cloak of the riderjubah penunggangnya
the cloaks of the riders were (continously) flutteringjubah penunggangnya berkibar-kibar
The riders' cloaks kept fluttering while they were riding, exposing their expensive weaponry, swords and daggers, all of them made from Mortmesnian steel.Jubah penunggangnya berkibar-kibar saat mereka berkuda, menampakkan senjata-senjata mahal mereka, pedang dan belati, semuanya terbuat dari baja Mortmesne.
The riders' cloaks kept fluttering while they were riding, exposing their expensive weaponry.Jubah penunggangnya berkibar-kibar saat mereka berkuda, menampakkan senjata-senjata mahal mereka.
The riders' cloaks kept fluttering while they were riding.Jubah penunggangnya berkibar-kibar saat mereka berkuda.
also known asjuga dikenal sebagai
Kelsea could seeKelsea bisa melihat
Kelsea could see its horrifying spiked head sticking out of the saddleKelsea bisa melihat kepala berdurinya yang mengerikan mencuat dari pelana.
Kelsea sat cloaked (Kelsea sat dressed/wrapped in a cloak)Kelsea duduk dalam balutan jubah
Kelsea sat cloaked and hoodedKelsea duduk dalam balutan jubah bertudung
Kelsea sat at the base of a tree branchKelsea duduk di pangkal cabang pohon
Kelsea sat, cloaked and hooded, at the base of a tree branch about nine meters from the front door of her house.Kelsea duduk, dalam balutan jubah bertudung, di pangkal cabang pohon sekitar sembilan meter dari pintu depan rumahnya.
Kelsea Glynn satKelsea Glynn duduk
Kelsea Glynn sat motionlessKelsea Glynn duduk bergeming
Kelsea Glynn sat motionless, watching the troops approaching her home grounds.Kelsea Glynn duduk bergeming, memperhatikan pasukan yang mendekati lahan rumahnya.
Kelsea Glynn sat motionless watching the troops.Kelsea Glynn duduk bergeming, memperhatikan pasukan.
exactly right/ true fit /suitable/ coherent (combined)/ moderate and proper (about clothes)kena
to know (k) /be familiar with /to be acquainted withkenal
its spiked headkepala berdurinya
its horrifying spiked head (its spiked head which was horrifying)kepala berdurinya yang mengerikan
its horrifying spiked head sticking out of the saddlekepala berdurinya yang mengerikan mencuat dari pelana
first (k)kesatu
unit/ corps/ entity /contingentkesatuan
military unitkesatuan militer
the tenthkesepuluh
the seventhketujuh
story /talekisah
the tenth horsekuda kesepuluh
land /soil / terrain / arealahan
homestead /home groundlahan rumah
her home groundslahan rumahnya
see appendixlihat apendiks
see appendix XI (kesebelas = eleventh)lihat apendiks XI
see appendix XI (kesebelas) for speculationlihat apendiks XI untuk spekulasinya
meaning /significancemakna
to see /lookmelihat
to carrymembawa
to makemembuat
to observe /pay attention to /watchmemperhatikan
to show /reveal /exposemenampakkan
exposing their expensive weaponrymenampakkan senjata-senjata mahal mereka
to stick outmencuat
sticking out of the saddlemencuat dari pelana
to approachmendekati
to direct /aim /point /manoeuvermengarahkan
to wearmengenakan
horrible /terrible /awful /horrifying /hideous /blood curlingmengerikan
to create /cause /inflictmenimbulkan
towards the cottagemenuju pondok
to ridemenunggang
They were here.Mereka (ber)ada di sini.
they marchedmereka berderap
They marched as a military unit with one horse soldier at some distance from each corner of the main force, all wearing the grey uniform of the Royal guard of Tearling.Mereka berderap sebagai kesatuan militer dengan satu prajurit berkuda agak jauh di setiap sudut pasukan utama, seluruhnya mengenakan seragam abu-abu pengawal Kerajaan Tearling.
They marched as a military unit with one horse soldier at some distance from each corner of the main force.Mereka berderap sebagai kesatuan militer dengan satu prajurit berkuda agak jauh di setiap sudut pasukan utama.
They marched as a military unit.Mereka berderap sebagai kesatuan militer.
they guided (their) horsesmereka mengarahkan kuda
They guided their horses towards the cottage.Mereka mengarahkan kuda menuju pondok.
They were not here.Mereka tidak (ber)ada di sini.
They did not eant to be here.Mereka tidak ingin berada di sini.
military (adj)militer
gloomy /somber /sad /sullenmuram
by /of (particle that links a passive verb to the author of the action)oleh
a personorang
base /beginningpangkal
troops /brigadepasukan
cavalrypasukan berkuda
the troops approachedpasukan mendekati
the main force /main armypasukan utama
sword /bladepedang
swords and daggers (redoubling for plural happens only when absolutely needed)pedang dan belati
bodyguard /sentry /escort /guardpengawal
the Royal guardpengawal Kerajaan
a rider is a person who is ridingpenunggang adalah orang yang menunggang
the riderpenunggangnya
front doorpintu depan
the front door of her housepintu depan rumahnya
that treepohon itu
That tree didn't even cause a little bit of noise.Pohon itu tak menimbulkan sedikit pun bunyi.
horseman /horse soldierprajurit berkuda
the soldier carriedprajurit membawa
Queen Glynn-Kelsea Raleigh GlynnRatu Glynn-Kelsea Raleigh Glynn
Queen Glynn-Kelsea Raleigh Glynn, seventh Queen of the Tearling. Also known as the Marked Queen.Ratu Glynn-Kelsea Raleigh Glynn, Ratu Tearling ketujuh. Juga dikenal sebagai Ratu yang Ditandai.
Queen of TearlingRatu Tearling
the seventh Queen of TearlingRatu Tearling ketujuh
the marked queen /the queen who is markedratu yang ditandai
while they guided their horsessaat mengarahkan kuda
while they were riding (b)saat mereka berkuda
one ofsalah satu
one of the soldierssalah satu prajurit
One of the soldiers even carried a mace.Salah satu prajurit bahkan membawa gada.
One of the soldiers even carried a mace; Kelsea could see its horrifying spiked head sticking out of the saddle`.Salah satu prajurit bahkan membawa gada; Kelsea bisa melihat kepala berdurinya yang mengerikan mencuat dari pelana.
very clearsangat jelas
very clear in their/its meaningsangat jelas maknanya
as /by the way of /in the role of /as being a... (e g. as an example /as an eyewitness, I ...)sebagai
eleven (XI)sebelas
a little bitsedikit
so thatsehingga
history /annals /chroniclessejarah
Early History of TearlingSejarah Awal Tearling
Early History of Tearling (Index) as narrated by MerwinianSejarah Awal Tearling (Indeks) seperti dikisahkan oleh Merwinian
about /approximately /circasekitar
about nine meterssekitar sembilan meter
about nine meters from the doorsekitar sembilan meter dari pintu
the wholeseluruh
the entirety /altogetherseluruhnya
all wearing grey uniformsseluruhnya mengenakan seragam abu-abu
all wearing the grey uniform of the Royal guard of Tearlingseluruhnya mengenakan seragam abu-abu pengawal Kerajaan Tearling
all (of them) made of steelsemuanya terbuat dari baja
all of them made from Mortmesnian steelsemuanya terbuat dari baja Mortmesne
weapon /arms /gunsenjata
weapons /weaponry /arms (redoubling of nouns : plural)senjata-senjata
their expensive weaponrysenjata-senjata mahal mereka
as (for example) / like (her > I want to be like her) / (for comparison) / similar to / same asseperti
as narrated by Merwinianseperti dikisahkan oleh Merwinian
ten horsessepuluh kuda
grey uniformseragam abu-abu
the grey uniforms of the Royal guard of Tearlingseragam abu-abu pengawal Kerajaan Tearling
every cornersetiap sudut
to know (t)tahu
not even a little bittak sedikit pun
not even a little bit of noisetak sedikit pun bunyi
sign /mark /symbol /tokentanda
made (of)terbuat
made of steelterbuat dari baja
not (to negate verbs and adjectives)tidak
unknown (... t...)tidak diketahui
hood /veil / cover /lidtudung
seven queenstujuh ratu
uneven (road surface etbumpy (road) /up and down/to and fro (people walking) /up and down(boat played by waves)tunggang-tunggit
mount (horse)tunggangan
a mount is something that is riddentunggangan adalah sesuatu yang ditunggangi
for the speculation /for its speculationuntuk spekulasinya
which/who is (remains often untranslated)yang