(all of) our life | hidup kita |
(late) afternoon | sore |
(way over) there | di sana |
a bad idea | ide yang buruk |
a beautiful house right by the sea(shore) | rumah yang indah di pinggir pantai |
A garden needs sun. | Kebun perlu matahari. |
A garden needs to be watered regularly . | Kebun perlu disirami secara teratur. |
A garden needs to be watered. | Kebun perlu disirami. |
a good idea | ide yang baik |
a kiss /to kiss | cium |
again / + neg. anymore | lagi |
age | umur |
alian /extraterrestrial | mahluk angkasa luar |
all of us /we all | kita |
already /by now (t) used to build perfect tense forms | telah |
am not / are not /is not (negation of a noun) | bukan |
Amazing! | Menakjubkan! |
ambulance | ambulans |
Andi is not in the hotel. | Andi tidak ada di hotel. |
Andi starts school | Andi memulai sekolah. |
Andi's | milik Andi |
Andi's cats like milk. | Kucing-kucing Andi suka susu. |
angry (adj.) /to be angry /to get angry | marah |
apple | apel |
Are they wrong? | Salahkah mereka? |
around | di sekitar |
as well as /or | maupun |
at least | paling tidak |
at least ten | paling tidak sepuluh |
at least ten reasons | paling tidak sepuluh alasan |
back /spine /Rücken | punggung |
back problems | masalah punggung |
bad | buruk |
bad posture /schlechte Haltung | postur buruk |
Bad posture will result eventually in back problems. | Postur buruk mengakibatkan masalah punggung nantinya. |
bag | tas |
banana | pisang |
beach | pantai |
beach volleyball | voli pantai |
beautiful | indah |
because | karena |
belongs to | milik |
belt /Gürtel | sabuk |
big | besar |
big red tomatoes | tomat merah besar |
black | hitam |
blue | biru |
book | buku |
bread | roti |
breath in deeply | tarik nafas dalam-dalam |
breathe in deeply and count until ten | tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan hitung sampai sepuluh |
Bring along! | Bawa! |
brown | cokelat |
brush | sisir |
building | gedung |
bus | bis |
but | tapi |
by /to /because of | oleh |
cake | kue |
can | bisa |
case /matter /situation | hal |
cat | kucing |
causative suffix /to make something happen /often used for imperatives /instructions /cooking recipies | -kan |
cheek /Wange | pipi |
chicken | ayam |
children | anak-anak |
chocolate | cokelat |
chocolate milk | susu cokelat |
clear | jelas |
cliff | tebing |
clothes | pakaian |
coat | mantel |
colour | warna |
cough | batuk |
count until ten | hitung sampai sepuluh |
crackers / cookie | biskuit |
creature /being | mahluk |
damaged | rusak |
day | hari |
deeply /very deep | dalam-dalam |
delicious | enak |
Dia dan saya bersaing di sekolah. | He and I compete at school. |
did you see? | Apa kamu melihat? |
difficult | sulit |
dirty | kotor |
dizzy | pusing |
Do you have a plan for this weekend ? | Apa kamu punya rencana akhir minggu ini? |
Do you have a plan? | Apa kamu punya rencana? |
do you have? | apa kamu punya? |
dog | anjing |
Don't panic! | Jangan panik! |
Don't panic, it's only a fire drill. | Jangan panik, ini hanya latihan kebakaran. |
don't! | jangan! |
doughnut | donat |
dress | gaun |
dried fruit | buah kering |
drink | minuman |
during | selama |
during our trip | selama perjalanan kami |
During our trip we visited the cliffs. | Selama perjalanan kami mengunjungi tebing-tebing. |
easy | mudah |
edge | pinggir |
egg | telur |
eight | delapan |
emerald | zamrud |
equals | sama dengan |
evening | malam |
ever | pernah |
everyone | semuanya |
excuse me | permisi |
exhaust fume /Auspuffgase | asap knalpot |
exhaustion /Auspuff / pot d'echappement | knalpot |
extinguisher /Feuerlöscher | pemadam |
favourite | kesukaan |
fever | demam |
fifty | lima puluh |
finished | selesai |
fire | api |
fire /wildfire | kebakaran |
fire drill /Brandschutzübung /Probealarm | latihan kebakaran |
fire fighter /Feuerwehrmann | petugas pemadam kebakaran |
five | lima |
five hundred | lima ratus |
five thousand | lima ribu |
flower | kembang |
food | makanan |
food and drinks | makanan dan minuman |
for | untuk |
forecast / prediction / prophesy | ramalan |
four | empat |
Friday | jumat |
fried | goreng |
fried rice | nasi goreng |
fried tofu | tahu goreng |
from | dari |
from Japan | dari Jepang |
from the shop to the bank | dari toko ke bank |
from where | dari mana |
fruit | buah |
Get a little house on the beach /seashore. | Mendapatkan rumah kecil di pinggir pantai. |
Give it! (no mem- because it is imperative / aldo it is transitiv =it takes an object) | Berikan! |
gloves | sarung tangan |
good | baik |
Good (early) afternoon (10 am - 2pm) | Selamat siang |
Good (late) afternoon (the sun is still up but it is after 2pm) | Selamat sore |
Good night /evening (after sunset) | Selamat malam |
good or bad | baik maupun buruk |
good soil | tanah yang baik |
goodbye (said to the person leaving) | Selamat jalan. |
goodbye (said to the person staying) | selamat tinggal |
green | hijau |
grey | abu-abu |
ground /soil | tanah |
happy /pleased / glad | senang |
has changed | telah merubah |
hat | topi |
he /she /it - is not used for physical objects | dia |
he /she /it - not used as a possessive pronoun. can be used for physical objects. | ia |
He chooses me. | Dia memilih saya. |
he doesn't forget | dia tidak lupa |
He doesn't like oranges, so he eats apples. | Dia tidak suka jeruk jadi dia makan apel. |
He is buying tomato soup. | Dia membeli sup tomat. |
He is not protecting you. | Dia menjaga kamu. |
he kissed me twice | dia cium saya dua kali |
He kissed me twice on the cheek. | Dia cium saya di pipi dua kali. |
he never forgets | dia tidak pernah lupa |
He never forgets to say please and thank you. | Dia tidak pernah lupa bilang tolong dan terima kasih. |
He orders chicken soup. | Dia pesan sup ayam. |
He pulled my shirt. | Dia menarik kemeja saya. |
He stands up and walks. | Dia berdiri dan berjalan. |
He swam to the seashore | Dia berenang ke pinggir pantai. |
He throws an apple. | Dia melempar apel. |
He who believes in me (d) | siapa yang percaya akan Daku |
He who believes in me (d) will not be thirsty anymore. (Jesus) | Siapa yang percaya akan Daku, tiadalah ia akan dahaga lagi. |
He who comes to Me | siapa yang datang kepada-Ku |
He who comes to Me will not be hungry again /anymore. (Jesus) | Siapa yang datang kepada-Ku, tiadalah ia akan lapar lagi |
He will be hungry again | Ia akan lapar lagi |
He will be hungry. | Ia akan lapar |
He won't be hungry again/anymore (it is not... (t) he will be...) | Ia tiadalah akan lapar lagi |
He won't be thirsty again/anymore (it is not... (t) he will be...) | Ia tiadalah akan dahaga lagi |
head | kepala |
headache | sakit kepala |
here | di sini |
Here I am | Inilah saya |
here or there (far) | di sini atau di sana |
hi | halo |
hi everybody | Halo semuanya! |
his /hers | miliknya |
his /the | -nya |
hot tea | teh panas |
hotel | hotel |
house | rumah |
how | bagaimana |
How /What is the trick /way? | Bagaimana caranya? |
How are they? | Bagaimana mereka? |
How are you? | Apa kabar? |
how many /how much | berapa |
How many shoes do you have? (What's the total of your shoes? ) | Berapa jumla sepatumu? |
How old are you? | Berapa umur kamu? |
however | namun |
However I don't know. | Namun saya tidak tahu. |
hundred | ratus |
hungry | lapar |
I (formal) | aku |
I / me /my (in not subject position) | daku |
I /my | saya |
I am Andi. | Saya Andi. |
I am at school. | Saya ada di sekolah. |
I am from Bali. /I originate... | Saya berasal dari Bali. |
I am here. | Saya di sini. |
I am hungry | saya lapar |
I am late | Saya terlambat. |
I am looking for you (pl). | Saya mencari kalian. |
I am not competing with you. | Saya tidak bersaing dengan kamu. |
I am not perfect | Saya tidak sempurna. |
I am rich. | Saya kaya |
I am sick | aku sakit |
I am strong because I drink milk. | Saya kuat karena saya minum susu. |
I am the Bread of Life. If anyone comes to me, he will not be hungry anymore, and whoever believes in me will not be thirsty anymore. | Aku inilah Roti Hidup itu. Siapa yang datang kepada-Ku, tiadalah ia akan lapar lagi, dan siapa yang percaya akan Daku, tiadalah ia akan dahaga lagi. |
I am the Bread of Life. (Jesus) | Aku inilah Roti Hidup itu. |
I am twenty years old. | Saya dua puluh tahun. |
I am very happy because tomorrow is Friday. | Aku senang sekali karena besok hari jumat. |
I am very happy. | Aku senang sekali. |
I brush my teeth | aku menyikat gigi |
I build my house here | Saya membangun rumahku di sini. |
I can | saya bisa |
I can give (you) at least ten reasons why this (matter) is a bad idea. | Aku bisa berikan paling tidak sepuluh alasan kenapa ini hal ide yang buruk. |
I can give ten reasons | aku bisa berikan sepuluh alasan |
I can't | saya tidak bisa |
I choose this. | Saya memilih ini. |
I didn't receive food. | Saya tidak mendapat makanan. |
I didn't sell your tomatoes. | Saya tidak menjual tomat kalian. |
I didn't throw your book. | Saya tidak melempar bukumu. |
I don't agree | saya tidak setuju |
I don't know | Saya tidak tahu. |
I don't like chocolate | Saya tidak suka cokelat. |
I don't like white dresses. | Saya tidak suka gaun-gaun putih. |
I don't live in Japan. | Saya tidak tinggal di Jepang. |
I don't want to know. | Saya tidak mau tahu. |
I eat at home. | Saya makan di rumah. |
I eat here. | Saya makan di sini. |
I fall | saya jatuh |
I get together with them. | Saya berkumpul dengan mereka. |
I go to a hotel. | Saya pergi ke hotel. |
I grate (e. g. cheese) | aku memarut |
I have a question. | Saya punya pertanyaan. |
I have ten apples. | Apel-apel saya sepuluh. |
I like apples but he likes oranges. | Saya suka apel tapi dia suka jeruk. |
I like big hotels. | Saya suka hotel-hotel besar. |
I like the colours green and yellow. | Saya suka warna hijau dan kuning. |
I like your jacket. | Saya suka jaket kamu. |
I live here | Saya tinggal di sini. |
I need water. | Aku perlu air. |
I pay for my food. | Saya bayar makanan saya. |
I pull her bag. | Saya menarik tasnya. |
I read the newspaper. | Saya membaca koranya. |
I read this newspaper. | Saya membaca koran ini. |
I shower /I take a bath | aku mandi |
I sit here. | Saya duduk di sini. |
I want to ask for | Saya mau minta |
I want to pay | Saya mau bayar. |
I want to visit your house. | Saya mau berkunjung ke rumah kamu. |
I was kidnapped | saya diculik |
I was kidnapped by... | saya diculik oleh |
I wear a black t-shirt. | Saya memakai kaus hitam. |
I wear gloves and socks. | Saya memakai sarung tangan dan kaus kaki. |
I work and study. | Saya kerja dan belajar. |
I write a book. | Saya menulis buku. |
idea /thought | ide |
if /when | kalau |
If anyone (He who) comes to me, he will not be hungry anymore, and whoever believes in me will not be thirsty anymore. (Jesus) | Siapa yang datang kepada-Ku, tiadalah ia akan lapar lagi, dan siapa yang percaya akan Daku, tiadalah ia akan dahaga lagi. |
if I tell you | kalau aku bilang kamu |
if I tell you, it's no secret anymore. | Kalau aku bilang kamu, bukan rahasia lagi. |
if we don't hurry | Kalau kita tidak cepat-cepat, |
If we don't hurry, we will miss the bus. | Kalau kita tidak cepat-cepat, kita akan ketinggalan bis. |
if you get angry | kalau kamu marah |
if you get angry breathe in deeply | kalau kamu marah tarik nafas dalam-dalam |
If you get angry breathe in deeply and count until ten. | Kalau kamu marah tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan hitung sampai sepuluh. |
in /on | pada |
in the process of | sedang |
in/on time | pada waktunya |
inside | dalam |
internet | internet |
Internet has changed our lifes for good or bad. | Internet telah merubah hidup kita baik maupun buruk. |
internet has changed our lifes. | internet telah merubah hidup kita. |
is not (t) | tiadalah |
Is there a toilet? | Ada toilet? |
is this /est-ce que | Apakah |
Is this an apple? | Apakah ini apel? |
it is big | ia besar |
It is not a secret. | Itu bukan rahasia. |
it is raining (in the process of rain) | sedang hujan |
it will rain | akan hujan |
it will rain today | hari ini akan hujan |
It will rain today, bring an umbrella along. | Hari ini akan hujan, bawa payung. |
jacket | jaket |
Japan | Jepang |
juice | jus |
kitchen | dapur |
last night | semalam |
last night I dreamed | semalam saya bermimpi |
Last night I dreamed I was kidnapped by an alien. | Semalam saya bermimpi saya diculik oleh mahluk angkasa luar. |
late /to be late | terlambat |
later | nanti |
later on /eventually | nantinya |
letter | surat |
life | hidup |
long | panjang |
lots /much | banyak |
makeup | riasan |
market | pasar |
match /allumette /Streichholz | korek api |
meat | daging |
meat soup | sup daging |
medecine | obat |
meteor shower | hujan meteor |
milk | susu |
mine | milikku |
minus | kurang |
most | paling |
my | -ku |
my black dress | gaun hitam saya |
My black dress is big. | Gaun hitam saya besar. |
My book is blue. | Buku saya biru. |
my favourite song | lagu kesukaan saya |
My name is Andi. | Nama saya Andi. |
My oranges are big. | Jeruk-jeruk saya besar. |
My oranges are in the kitchen. | Jeruk-jerukku ada di dapur. |
my pink dress | gaun merah muda saya |
My shop is not flourishing. | Toko saya tidak berkembang. |
My wallet is black. | Dompet saya hitam |
name | nama |
neither stupid nor clever | tidak bodoh dan tidak pintar |
neither... nor... | tidak... dan tidak... |
never | tidak pernah |
newspaper | koran |
nine | sembilan |
no/not (negation of verbs and adj.) | tidak |
not again/ not anymore | tidak lagi |
officer /employee | petugas |
olive | zaitun |
one | satu |
or | atau |
orange | jeruk |
orange (colour) | jingga |
orange (colour) (o) | oranye |
orange juice | jus jeruk |
other | lain |
other people | orang lain |
our trip around England | perjalanan kami di sekitar Inggris |
outer space | angkasa luar |
outside | di luar |
outside /beyond /exterior | luar |
paradise | firdaus |
parents | orangtua |
pasta | pasta |
pelican | pelikan |
Pencil | pensil |
pepper | merica |
pepper (l) | lada |
perfect | sempurna |
person | orang |
pharao | firaun |
pink | merah muda |
plan | rencana |
plaster /sparadrap /Pflaster | plester luka |
please (t) | tolong |
please /go ahead /tafadhal (arabic) /buyrun (turkish) | silakan |
pocket | kantong |
post office | kantor pos |
posture /Haltung | postur |
practise /exercise /training | latihan |
prefix to verbs that turns the focus on the subject (actor) | me(n) - |
price | harga |
problem | masalah |
purple | ungu |
question | pertanyaan |
question particle for yes/ no question /est-ce que | apa |
question particle for yes/ no question /est-ce que /suffix | -kah |
rain | hujan |
ray/ beam/glow | sinar |
Really? | Benarkah? |
reason /excuse | alasan |
red | merah |
regularly /systematically | secara teratur |
restaurant | restoran |
rice | nasi |
rich | kaya |
right /correct | benar |
salt | garam |
sambal | sambal |
scarf | syal |
school | sekolah |
seashore /coast(line) | pinggir pantai |
secret | rahasia |
see you | Sampai jumpa |
seven | tujuh |
seven minus three | tujuh kurang tiga |
seven minus three equals four | tujuh kurang tiga sama dengan empat |
She appears from the kitchen. | Dia muncul dari dapur. |
She asks for soy sauce | Dia minta kecap. |
She buys a bag. | Dia membeli tas. |
She comes out of the shop. | Dia keluar dari toko. |
She did not succeed. | Dia tidak berhasil. |
She does not think but speak. | Dia tidak berpikir tapi berbicara. |
She eats that bread. | Dia makan roti itu. |
She falls when we push her. | Dia jatuh ketika kami mendorong dia. |
She goes to a hotel. | Dia pergi ke hotel. |
She has ten pencils. | Pensil dia sepuluh. |
She is at home. | Dia ada di rumah |
SHE is eating an apple. | Dia memakan apel. |
She is from Jakarta not from Bali. | Dia dari Jakarta bukan dari Bali. |
She is not from Bali. | Dia bukan dari Bali. |
She is right. | Dia benar. |
She leaves for school. | Dia berangkat ke sekolah. |
shirt | kemeja |
shoes | sepatu |
shop | toko |
sick | sakit |
Sit up straight! | Duduk yang tegak! |
six | enam |
skirt | rok |
smart | pintar |
smoke | asap |
so | jadi |
soap | sabun |
socks | kaus kaki |
song /tune /melody | lagu |
sorry | maaf |
Sorry, I am late. | Maaf saya terlambat. |
Sorry, you are wrong. | Maaf, kamu salah. |
soup | sup |
soy sauce | kecap |
space /sky /atmosphere | angkasa |
spatula (kitchen) | spatula |
Start! | Mulai! |
straight /erect/upright | tegak |
strawberry | stroberi |
strawberry cake | kue stroberi |
strong | kuat |
stupid | bodoh |
sugar | gula |
sun | matahari |
sunshine /sunlight | sinar matahari |
sweet tea | teh manis |
t-shirt | kaus |
tea | teh |
ten | sepuluh |
thank you | terima kasih |
thank you very much | terima kasih banyak |
that | itu |
That book is hers. | Buku itu miliknya. |
That building is a bank. | Gedung itu adalah bank. |
That building is damaged and dirty. | Gedung itu rusak dan kotor. |
That cat was sleeping when we arrived. | Kucing itu tidur ketika kami datang. |
That house is not dirty. | Rumah itu tidak kotor. |
That is not right. | Itu tidak benar. |
That tie is long. | Dasi itu panjang. |
the children like to play | anak-anak suka bermain |
the children like to play outside | Anak-anak suka bermain di luar. |
the children play | anak-anak bermain |
the colour green | warna hijau |
the fire did not spread | api tidak menjalar |
The fire didn't spread because the fire fighters arrived on time. | Api tidak menjalar karena petugas pemadam kebakaran tiba pada waktunya. |
The fire fighters arrived on time. | Petugas pemadam kebakaran tiba pada waktunya. |
the nearest | terdekat |
the nearest post office | kantor pos terdekat |
The toilet is over there. | Toilet ada di situ. |
the trick /the way | caranya |
there | di situ |
These letters and books are mine.(p) | Surat-surat dan buku-buku ini punya saya. |
they | mereka |
They are not moving. | Mereka tidak bergerak. |
They begin to eat. | Mereka mulai makan. |
They call me. | Mereka memanggil saya. |
They don't like peanuts so they don't eat. | Mereka tidak suka kacang jadi mereka tidak makan. |
They don't remember me. | Mereka tidak ingat saya. |
They hear Tini read. | Mereka mendengar Tini membaca. |
They ordered coffee, however they didn't order cake. | Mereka pesan kopi, namun mereka tidak pesan kue. |
They play and learn. | Mereka bermain dan belajar. |
They read a book that I like. | Mereka membaca buku yang saya suka. |
thirst /thirsty (d) | dahaga |
thirsty | haus |
this | ini |
this /this is | inilah |
This book does not become mine. | Buku ini tidak menjadi milik saya. |
This book is easy. | Buku ini mudah. |
This building is not a hotel. | Gedung ini bukan hotel. |
This house is perfect. | Rumah ini sempurna. |
This is mine. | Ini milikku. |
This is my favourite song. | Ini adalah lagu kesukaan saya. |
This is not a restaurant. | Ini bukan restoran. |
This is not easy, this is difficult. | Ini tidak mudah, ini sulit. |
This is the valid price. | Ini harga yang berlaku. |
this is why | inilah alasan kenapa |
This letter is clear. | Surat ini jelas. |
This price is not valid here. | Harga ini tidak berlaku di sini. |
this weekend | akhir minggu ini |
Those apples are red. | Apel-apel itu merah. |
those black gloves | sarung tangan hitam itu |
thousand | ribu |
three | tiga |
tie /Kravatte | dasi |
Tini is at home with Andi. | Tini berada di rumah dengan Andi. |
Tini is twenty years old. | Umur Tini dua puluh tahun. |
Tini returns to school. | Tini kembali ke sekolah. |
to | ke |
to stand up | berdiri |
to /towards | kepada |
to /until /up to | sampai |
to agree | setuju |
to appear | muncul |
to arrive /to turn up | tiba |
to arrive on time | tiba pada waktunya |
to ask for | minta |
to be | berada |
to be / am /is /are (formal) | ada(lah) |
to be kidnapped by an alian | diculik oleh mahluk angkasa luar |
to be stolen /kidnapped | diculik |
to be valid | berlaku |
to become | menjadi |
to believe | percaya |
to believe in | percaya akan |
to blame | menyalahkan |
to bring | membawa |
to build | membangun |
to buy | membeli |
to call | memanggil |
to change | berubah |
to change | merubah |
to choose | memilih |
to come | datang |
to compete | bersaing |
to count | hitung |
to dream | bermimpi |
to drink | meminum |
to eat | memakan |
to enter | masuk |
to enter and exit | masuk dan keluar |
to exit | keluar |
to fall | jatuh |
to forget | lupa |
to get /receive | mendapatkan |
to get together with | berkumpul dengan |
to give | memberi(kan) |
to go | pergi |
to go home | pulang |
to go to toilet | pergi ke toilet |
to have | punya |
to hear | mendengar |
to help | membantu |
to hope | berharap |
to hurry | cepat-cepat |
to inhale /take a breath | tarik nafas |
to kiss /snog (m) | mencium |
to know | tahu |
to learn | belajar |
to leave (for) | berangkat (ke) |
to like | suka |
to live /stay | tinggal |
to look for | mencari |
to make | membuat |
to me | kepadaku |
to miss /to be left behind /to lag | ketinggalan |
to miss the bus | ketinggalan bis |
to move | bergerek |
to need | perlu |
to open | membuka |
to order | pesan |
to originate /to come from | berasal |
to pay | bayar |
to play | bermain |
to play outside | bermain di luar |
to progress /flourish | berkembang |
to protect | menjaga |
to pull | menarik |
to push | mendorong |
to read | membaca |
to receive | mendapat |
to remember | ingat |
to result in / effect /inflict | mengakibatkan |
to return /go back | kembali |
to say | bilang |
to say please and thank you | bilang tolong dan terima kasih |
to see | melihat |
to sell | menjual |
to sit | duduk |
to sleep | tidur |
to speak | berbicara |
to spread | menjalar |
to start / begin | memulai |
to stop | berhenti |
to succeed | berhasil |
to swim | berenang |
to think | berpikir |
to throw | melempar |
to visit | berkunjung |
to visit (m) | mengunjungi |
to walk | berjalan |
to want | mau |
to wear | memakai |
to work | kerja |
to write | menulis |
today | hari ini |
tofu | tahu |
together | bersama |
toilet | toilet |
tomato | tomat |
tomorrow | besok |
tomorrow is Friday | besok hari jumat |
tooth | gigi |
tooth paste | pasta gigi |
toothache | sakit gigi |
toothbrush | sikat gigi |
total | jumlah |
towel | handuk |
trip /travel | perjalanan |
trouser pocket | kantong celana |
trousers | celana |
twenty | dua puluh |
twice | dua kali |
two | dua |
umbrella | payung |
until ten | sampai sepuluh |
until we meet again | sampai jumpa lagi |
us (not you) | kami |
very (se) | sekali |
very (se) happy | senang sekali |
volleyball | bola voli |
wallet | dompet |
water | air |
watered | disirami |
way /manner /method /trick | cara |
We (not you) eat at the hotel. | Kami makan di hotel. |
we (not you) pushed him. | Kami mendorong dia. |
We hope that she will come home. | Kami berharap dia pulang. |
We play together. | Kami bermain bersama. |
We stop, they walk. | Kami berhenti, mereka berjalan. |
we will miss the bus | kita akan ketinggalan bis |
weather | cuaca |
weather forecast | ramalan cuaca |
weekend | akhir minggu |
what | apa |
What does that cat eat? | Kucing itu makan apa? |
What is that? | Apa itu? |
What is the trick to make | Bagaimana caranya membuat... |
What is the trick to make perfect pasta? ( pasta which is perfect) | Bagaimana caranya membuat pasta yang sempurna? |
What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? | Apa ramalan cuaca besok? |
What's your name? | Siapa nama kamu? |
when | kapan |
when /while | ketika |
when /while /time | waktu |
When and where? | Kapan dan di mana? |
when he saw me | Waktu dia melihat saya |
When he saw me, he kissed me twice on the cheek. | Waktu dia melihat saya dia cium saya di pipi dua kali. |
where | di mana |
Where are they? | Di mana mereka berada? |
Where are you from ? | Kamu dari mana? |
Where is she from? | Dia dari mana? |
Where is that? | Di mana itu? |
Where is the nearest market? | Di mana pasar terdekat? |
Where is your house? | Di mana rumahmu? |
which | yang |
white | putih |
Who /what | siapa |
Who are you? | Siapa kamu? |
why (k) | kenapa |
why (m) | mengapa |
Why and how? | Mengapa dan bagaimana? |
Why are you going? | Mengapa kamu pergi? |
Why do you read this book? | Mengapa kamu membaca buku ini? |
will /would | akan |
will result in | akan mengakibatkan |
without | tanpa |
without you | tanpamu |
without you there is no me (song title) | tanpamu tiadalah aku |
woman | wanita |
wound /injury | luka |
wrong | salah |
year | tahun |
yellow | kuning |
yes | ya |
yes or no | ya atau tidak |
you (formal) /Sie | Anda |
You (pl) | kalian |
you (sg) | kamu |
You are not progressing. | Kamu tidak berkembang. |
You are strong. | Kamu kuat. |
You are welcome. (in this place) | Selamat datang. |
You are welcome. (my pleasure) | Sama-sama. |
You can't blame other people for your problem. | Kamu tidak bisa menyalahkan orang lain untuk masalahmu. |
you changed | kamu berubah |
You don't help us. | Kamu tidak membantu kami. |
you have | kamu punya |
your | -mu |
yours | milikmu |