Usages of kalmak
Hoşça kal.
Goodbye.said to the person staying
Lütfen kalın.
Please stay.
(Bir) otelde kalıyorum.
I am staying in a hotel.
(Benim) arkamda kal.
Stay behind me.
(Benim) yanımda kal.
Stay by my side.
geç kalmak
to be late
Arada sırada Kamil bizde kalır.
From time to time Kamil stays with us.
Gece bende kalmaz mısın?
Won't you spend the night in my place?
Depremde evleri çökünce, çadırda kaldılar.
When their home collapsed in the earthquake, they stayed in the tent. is an online learning platform
We have an entire course teaching Turkish grammar and vocabulary.