This is a peculiar verb in Turkish. It takes no passive suffix, yet it conveys the meaning of one. It is mostly used with a nominalized verb. For example:
Çıkmanız gerekiyor. Literally: 'Your leaving is necesary/is required.'
Usages of gerekmek
Kamil'in acilen dışarı çıkması gerekiyor.
Kamil needs to leave immediately. [Lit.] Kamil's immediate going outside is necessary.
Operaya yetişmeleri için şimdi çıkmaları gerekiyor.
It is necessary for them to leave now in order (for them) to make it to the opera.
Gitmem gerekiyor.
My going is needed.
Mecidiyeköy'de almam gereken üç tane şey var.
There are three things in Mecidiyeköy that I need to buy.
The literal translation would be:
In Mecidiyeköy, there are three things my buying needed. is an online learning platform
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