Usages of ile
O kadar kitap ile ne yapacaksın?
What are you going to do with so many books?
Kamil bu bıçak ile başbakanı öldüremez
Kamil cannot kill the prime minister with this knife.
Hollanda 1848'den beri demokrasi ile yönetiliyor.
The Netherlands is being governed with democracy since 1848.
Pazar akşamı ablam ile sinemaya gittiydik.
Sunday night we had went to the cinema with my sister.INFORMAL
Röportajı birbirimiz ile yaptık.
We interviewed each other.
Benim zevkim ile seninki farklı.
My taste and yours are different
Akşamleyin annem ile çay içeceğiz.
(I) will drink tea with my mother in the evening.
Note that in Turkish the plural is often used when you say you are doing something with someone else, where in English you would use the singular. is an online learning platform
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