Usages of hiç
not a single ...
Hiç kedi yok.
There is not any cat at all.
none, none of them
(Onlar) çok benciller, hiç paylaşmazlar.
They are very selfish, they never share.
Evde hiç çay kalmamış.
[Apparently] There is no tea left at home.
Ben biliyorum ki Kamil hayatında hiç sevişmedi.
I know that Kamil (in his life) never made love.
In English when we make sentences with never or ever, it automatically refers to the subject's total experience. Like when we say "John never kissed." It automatically means that John has never touched lips with another person in his entire life.
But in Turkish, when we say "John hiç öpüşmedi.", it sounds as if the sentence did not end yet, as if it would continue with something like "at the party" or "on that boat-trip". So we put "hayatında" (in his/her life) to emphasize this point.
Additionally, depending on the subject, it would conjugate as "hayatımda, hayatında, hayatında, hayatımızda, hayatınızda, hayatlarında".
Bu tarlada hiç patates ve havuç yok.
There are no potatoes and carrots on this farm. is an online learning platform
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