Usages of araba
Arabalar garajda.
The cars are in the garage.
Anahtar arabanın.
The key is of the car.
Lamba (onun) arabasında.
The lamp is in his car.
(Onun) arabası yok.
She doesn't have a car.
O araba kimin?
Whose car is that?
(Siz) arabayla gelecek misiniz?
Will you come by car?
Kırmızı ışıkta arabalar durur.
Cars stop at the red lights.
Bizim arabamızı tamir edebilirsin.
You can fix our car.
Senin araban kırmızı, Kamil'inki pembe.
Your car is red, Kamil's is pink.
Arabada benzin yokmuş.
There is no gas in the car.APPARENTLY
Araban bize lazım oldu.
We needed your car. [Lit.] Your car became necessary to us.
Arabası çalındığında, polis Kamil'e yardım etmedi.
When his car was stolen, the police didn't help Kamil.
araba sürmek
to driveA CAR
If it's a car
araba kullanmak
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