Usages of kitap
(Bir) kitap okuyunuz.
Read a book.
Kitabı okuyorum.
I am reading the book.
Kitap masada.
The book is on the table.
(Bir) kitap oku.
Read a book.
Bu kitaplar eski değil.
These books are not old.
Kitap rafın üstünde.
The book is on top ofÜS the shelf.
book seller; bookshop
Kitap oku.
Read a book.
Kitap oku.
Read books.
Kemal yazdı bu kitabı.
Kemal wrote this book.
Bu kitabı yazdı Kemal.
Kemal wrote this book.
O kadar kitap ile ne yapacaksın?
What are you going to do with so many books?
İlk kitabı aldım.
I bought the first book.
O kitabın kurgusu başarısızdı, filminki güzeldi ama.
That book's plot was unsuccessful, the film's was nice though.
bookcase, bookshelf, library
Salıları kitap kulübümüz var.
We have book club on Tuesdays.
Telefon çaldığında kitap okuyordum.
When the phone rang, I was reading a book.
Kamil kitabı okuyup anlamamış.
(Apparently) Kamil read the book and didn't understand it.
Kitabın yarısını okuyamadım.
I could not read the half of the book. is an online learning platform
We have an entire course teaching Turkish grammar and vocabulary.
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