Relative Clauses 5: -Dİk and -EcEk

In this lesson, you will learn the rest of the functions of -Dİk and -(y)EcEk. A quick reminder of what those are:

-Dİk and -(y)EcEk are used when relativizing:

  1. The direct object (which you saw in the previous lesson)
  2. The indirect object or the adverb (which you saw in the previous lesson)
  3. The possessor of a constituent which is not the subject
  4. The possessed of a constituent which is not the subject

Now let's see some examples for the third function.

The PossessorTurkishEnglish
Full Sentence

Mimar, binanın şeklini tasarlayacak.

Babam hırsızın burnunu kırdı.

The architect will design the shape of the building.

My father broke the thief's nose.

Relativized version

Mimarın şeklini tasarlayacağı bina

Babamın burnunu kırdığı hırsız

The building that the architect will design the shape of

The thief that my father broke the nose of

The fourth function is a little different. You can only use this kind of sentences with pronouns as subjects of the relative clause. Let's see:

The PossessedTurkishEnglish
Full Sentence

Pantolonumun fermuarını bozdum.

Limonun kabuğunu soyacaksınız.

I broke the zipper of my pants.

You will peel lemon rind.

Relativized version

Pantolonumun bozduğum fermuarı

Limonun soyduğunuz kabuğu

[Lit.] the zipper, which I broke, of my pants

[Lit.]The rind, which you peeled, of lemon

Like the second function, notice how the accusative cases of fermuar and kabuk have dropped.
