Turkish 129 - Reciprocal voice suffix -(İ)ş

In Turkish the suffix -(İ)ş is attached to transitive and intransitive verbs and it conveys a meaning of an action being done together. When it combines with a transitive verb like öpmek, to kiss, it shows reciprocity. For example

John Mary'yi öptü, Mary John'u öptü. Öpüştüler. John kissed Mary, Mary kissed John. They kissed.

Some verbs in Turkish have -(İ)ş at the end by default, and they cannot take another -(I)ş. For example barışmak means to make peace, and there is no barışışmak.

Also some other verbs like tutmak (to hold, to keep) can take -(İ)ş but they can have a very different meaning, tutuşmak means to catch fire. Therefore you need to be careful when using this suffix, it might not mean what you think it means.
