Turkish 178 - How to make conditional sentences 4

If I were handsome, everyone would have fallen in love with me.Yakışıklı olsaydım herkes bana aşık olurdu.
fireAS A DISASTERyangın
fire to start, fire to break outyangın çıkmak
If I had turned the oven off, the fire in the house wouldn't break out.Ocağı kapatsaydım evdeki yangın çıkmazdı.
If his school was close, he would go to the library every day.Okulu yakın olsaydı her gün kütüphaneye giderdi.
If I liked Suzan, I would come to the party tomorrow.Suzan'ı sevseydim yarınki partiye gelirdim.
swearing, cuss word, curseküfür
to swear, to curseküfür etmek
If you didn't swear at the judge, maybe he wouldn't give you a punishment this heavy.Hakime küfür etmeseydin belki sana bu kadar ağır bir ceza vermezdi.
