Question | Answer |
If I were handsome, everyone would have fallen in love with me. | Yakışıklı olsaydım herkes bana aşık olurdu. |
fireAS A DISASTER | yangın |
fire to start, fire to break out | yangın çıkmak |
If I had turned the oven off, the fire in the house wouldn't break out. | Ocağı kapatsaydım evdeki yangın çıkmazdı. |
library | kütüphane |
If his school was close, he would go to the library every day. | Okulu yakın olsaydı her gün kütüphaneye giderdi. |
If I liked Suzan, I would come to the party tomorrow. | Suzan'ı sevseydim yarınki partiye gelirdim. |
swearing, cuss word, curse | küfür |
to swear, to curse | küfür etmek |
If you didn't swear at the judge, maybe he wouldn't give you a punishment this heavy. | Hakime küfür etmeseydin belki sana bu kadar ağır bir ceza vermezdi. |
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