3.3.2 Confucianism

a normative moral theory developed in ancient China during the Warring States period that proposes that the development of individual character is key to the achievement of an ethical and harmonious society.
in Confucianism, ethical principles or a path by which to live; in Daoism, the natural way of the universe and all things.
the ethical obligation of children to their parents.
Filial piety
in Confucianism, a person who is an exemplary ethical figure and lives according to the dao.
rituals and practice that develop a person’s ethical character as they interact with others.
a central concept in Confucianism that refers either to specific virtues or to someone with complete virtue.
an approach to normative ethics that focuses on character.
Virtue ethics

The content of this course has been taken from the free Philosophy textbook by Openstax