We know by now how to go to places and how to be at places, but what we can't say is what we do at those places...
Going to a place requires the ending -에/ (e) at the place.
극장에 가요. Keugjang-e kayo. I go to the theater.
극장 (keugjang) is a theater or a cinema (movie theater) though there is a second more specific word for the cinema which is 영화관 yeonghwagwan. And 영화/yeonghwa is the movie.
To be at a place requires the ending -에/ (e) at the place + 있어요 (isseoyo) - to be
극장에 있어요. (Keugjang-e isseoyo) - I am at the cinema.
Now to do something at a place needs a different ending : 에서 (eseo)
극장에서 영화를 봐요. Keugjang-eseo yeonghwa-reul pwayo. - I watch a movie at the cinema.
Let's look at the three sentences together.
극장에 가요.
극장에 있어요.
극장에서 영화를 봐요.
Not bad, isn't it. Feels like we learned something :D
Let's do some more
수영장에 가요. Suyeong-djang-e ka-yo. - I go to the swimming pool.
수영장에 있어요. Suyeong-djang-e isseoyo. - I am at the swimming pool.
수영장에서 수영을 해요. Suyeong-djang-eseo suyeong-eul hae-yo. - I swim at the swimmingpool.
사다 - sa-da = to buy
가게에 가요.kage-e ka-yo. - I go to the shop.
가게에 있어요. kage-e isseoyo. - I am at the shop.
가게에서 차을 사요. kage-eseo tcha-eul sa-yo. - I buy tea at the shop.
공원에 가요. kongweon-e ka-yo. - I go to the park.
공원에 있어요. Kongweon-e isseoyo. - I am at the park.
운동하다 undong-hada to exercise / work out (sport)
공원에서 운동해요. Kongweon-eseo undong-haeyo. - I exercise at the park.
듣다 teud-da - to listen
들어요 teuR-eo-yo I listen (irregular verb !)
집에 가요. Jib-e kayo. I go home.
집에 있어요. Jib-e isseoyo. - I am home.
집에서 라디오를 들어요. Jib-eseo ladio-reul teuR-eo-yo. - At home I listen to the radio.
학교에 가요. hakkyo-e kayo. - I go to school.
학교에 있어요. hakkyo-e isseoyo. I am at school.
학교에서 공부해요. hakkyo-eseo kongbu-haeyo. I study at school.
여러분 감사합니다 - yeoreobun kamsa-hamnida - Thank you everybody