Often written using hiragana instead of kanji.
Can also refer to things instead of people, but 全部 is more common in that case.
Breakdown of minna
You compare white to other colors, and find out it's different from all of them.
Usages of minna
皆 立ちました。minna tachimashita.
Everybody stood up.
みんな 寝て いる。minna nete iru.
Everyone is sleeping.
皆さん、 ありがとう。minnasan, arigatou.
Thank you, everyone.
学校 の イベント で みんな で 踊りました。gakkou no ibento de minna de odorimashita.
We all danced at the school event.
みんな で 新年 を お祝いしました。minna de shinnen o oiwaishimashita.
We all celebrated the New Year together. is an online learning platform
We have hundreds of Japanese lessons and thousands of exercises.