
to think; to believe
Part of speech
verb, godan - group 1, transitive

Usages of omou

かれら は おなじ だいがく に く と おもう。karera wa onaji daigaku ni iku to omou.
(I) think they go to the same university.
きょ は よう だ と おもいます。kyou wa kayoubi da to omoimasu.
I think today is Tuesday.
ニュース に つい て どう おもう か。nyuusu ni tsui te dou omou ka.
What do you think about the news?
ほん を む より えい を る ほう が おもしろい と おもう。hon o yomu yori eiga o miru hou ga omoshiroi to omou.
I think it's more interesting to watch films than to read books.
この えい は おもしろい と おもう。kono eiga wa omoshiroi to omou.
I think this movie is interesting.
それ は ただしい と おもう。sore wa tadashii to omou.
I believe that's correct.
あし は あめ が る と おもう。ashita wa ame ga furu to omou.
I think it will rain tomorrow.
あし、 はやく きる と おもう。ashita, hayaku okiru to omou.
(I think) I've decided to wake up early tomorrow.
この くるま を う と おもう。kono kuruma o kau to omou.
(I think) I've decided to buy this car.
そっち の ほう が いい と おもう。sotchi no hou ga ii to omou.
I think that one (near you) is better.
 そう おもいます か。naze sou omoimasu ka.
Why do you think so?
きょ の ふく は どう おもいます か。kyou no fuku wa dou omoimasu ka.
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