Usages of bend
Mnemonic: the grain is so heavy that it bends the tree it grows on.
Do not bend it twice or it'll wrap around itself!
This one clearly looks like a cliff.
To take a step, a person must bend their knee.
To find what's good, seek stillness in the mind and a willingness to bend.
You can bend a fishhook into a spoon.
A hand is basically a collection of hooks that can bend at two joints.
You're in a race, but in the ninth second, you already bend your car around a tree.
Bend ten times, and you'll reach a thousand.
You bend towards the sun, and are covered in white light.
You visit a peace ceremony in which everyone bends their spear such that it becomes useless.
When you get old, you start to bend and end up in the soil.
Longevity is achieved by following the path of the three bends and living with measurement.
You drink tea with a shellfish to make sure you're on the same page.
Two dots and a bend, truly the most insignificant kanji components.
This kanji looks just like a flag.
The wind is blowing so hard that it even bends the insects under the table.
As you can see in this diagram, the slightly bent spine connects the mouth at the top of our body with the mouth at the bottom of our body.
During your yoga class, you have to bend three ways while balancing on a stick.
You see one hook and you bend it with your hand.
When your younger brother gets born with his little horns, I offer you my condolences. Your life will take a sudden bend into darkness.
You see one hook, and you bend it with your power.
At noon, light bends to dry everything in sight.
If you bend your eye far enough, you can see your self.
Every mouth that tells history, bends and stretches it in its own way.
These three bends just look exactly like hair.
Do you ever consider that when you get old, you will be so bent that you will basically wrap into yourself?
You bend at the rice paddy, and the head of a ghost appears.
ヰ is an obsolete katakana character, previously used to represent the sound wi.
Now, the sound wi is represented by the digraph ウィ(Ui).
Though ヰ is not used as a katakana character anymore, it does appear as a component in multiple Kanji.
The scissors you're holding has one blade that's bent.
Bend around the desert, and you'll find what's beyond.
When you are certain, your heart does not bend.
One hook is all a genius needs to bend the universe to their will.
A calamity bends our life in a big way.
Even if you bend the upside down box, the rice is simply too big to fit in its interior.
A fingernail's bend is insignificant, yet uniquely ours.
You have to bend over twenty times to get the right measure.
The sheep takes a bend at work, making a clear distinction.
When bent, a spear is only a fifth as effective.
One bend drops the second tile.
One bends the mind by drinking tea.
People want to bend you. People want to stop you. But with long strides, you prolong your journey forward.
You see a bend in the soil, but then realize it's a cow.
You display how you bend a sword for the first time.
There are three bends in the river and then it branches.
The Easter Bunny has a bend in its back but is still high-priced.
You bend your claw twice, then stick it in the air to stretch it.
You see someone with horns bend over, inserting one hook somewhere, and you have some question marks about this situation.
You bend over to inspect a plate. It's covered in blood.