Breakdown of two
Usages of two
Looks like a car doesn't it? With a line connecting two axles that the wheels are connected to, and an engine(the sun) in the middle.
This kanji looks like an I-beam used in construction work.
A hand is basically a collection of hooks that can bend at two joints.
Our origin lies between two human legs.
Two horns are too many, so you draw a line through them to split them in half.
You hang just two pieces of clothing on the line such that they become dry more quickly.
People in Asia eat by bringing two sticks to their mouth.
You're looking for two small people for your midget show.
Thanks to your husband, you are now two persons.
It's time for your departure, you get your tent and get going on your two human legs.
When two people go private, they have something to say.
ヰ is an obsolete katakana character, previously used to represent the sound wi.
Now, the sound wi is represented by the digraph ウィ(Ui).
Though ヰ is not used as a katakana character anymore, it does appear as a component in multiple Kanji.
You take your gun and fire two times until nothing remains.
You line up two sticks with horns.
Ko puts out his two flags again.
You're standing on a cliff with only two clothes on, and you shiver.
You dedicate yourself to dividing two sticks between three people.