Usages of sun; day
The moon is actually just the sun on some weird legs.
Looks like a car doesn't it? With a line connecting two axles that the wheels are connected to, and an engine(the sun) in the middle.
If the sun and moon are both shining, it's very bright.
You can tell the time because the the sun casts its light on the sundial next to the temple.
You bend towards the sun, and are covered in white light.
Every day of the week, the sun watches yo-yo tricks by a small bird.
The moment when the sun gets dismissed is called nightfall.
When the sun is in the center, everything is reflected.
The sun appears between the gate doors at a regular interval.
This kanji just looks like a gate.
Someone old has seen many suns rise and set.
Yesterday, the sun was visible during the entire day.
When three people see the sun, you know it's springtime.
Upon marriage, a woman's family name changes with the sun as a witness.
Behind a tree, the sun rises in the east.
You write with your brush only when the sun is up, otherwise it's too dark.
The sun rises at ten, very early.
When someone is in the sun, they'll get hot.
As the gun kills the sun, winter repeats.
When there's sun, do not think it's easy to prevent getting burned.
In his spare time, during the day, Ko puts out his two flags again.
Sun leads on to warm days.
There is great risk in exposing your eyes to the sun.
If the sun would produce sound instead of light, it would be pretty dark.
When the sun appears and the sky turns blue, it clears up.
The sun is the one that appears at dawn.
Most people take the sun for granted.
The sun shines on a bolt of cloth, just so you can see it.
After orbiting twenty-one times around the sun, you're ancient.
You see a thick child hiding from the sun under a cliff.
When there are clouds under the sun, it's cloudy.
You warm up some water in the sun and clean your plate with it.
Grass must not be in the sun too much until it is big.
The sun is vital; we must not overlook its role in our livelihood.
The sun gives life to your planet and is your favorite star.