
to be able to do
Part of speech
verb, itidan - group 2, intransitive

Breakdown of dekiru

to do

Usages of dekiru

I can't do it.
〜こと が できる〜koto ga dekiru
to be able to; to be possible to
ほん が できます。nihongo ga dekimasu.
(I) can speak Japanese.
かん を めること は できません。jikan o tomerukoto wa dekimasen.
(You) cannot stop time.
Using は in this sentence might be more suitable because it is more all-encompassing than が (it implies that no one can stop time), while が is more specific and might refer to something like being unable to stop time on a personal capacity.
できる だけ はやく ほん を まなびたい です。dekiru dake hayaku nihongo o manabitai desu.
(I) want to learn Japanese as quickly as possible.
ちゅうもん は できます か?chuumon wa dekimasu ka?
Can I order?
ガス が れた ので、 りょう が できない。gasu ga kireta node, ryouri ga dekinai.
The gas ran out, so I can't cook.
しんらい できるshinrai dekiru
trustworthy; able to be trusted

The structure [noun] + できる is a common way to express the ability or possibility related to the noun. This construction turns the noun into an adjective describing the noun that follows. is an online learning platform
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