The -て form and the imperative part 2

In this lesson we will learn how to obtain the て-form for Group 1, or だん, verbs.

Group 1 verbs are converted into the て-form depending on their ending in the dictionary form. Replace the ending of the dictionary form with the corresponding て-ending in the table below.

EndingExampleReplace withExample
〜つつ (to wait)って
〜くく (to hear)〜いていて
〜ぐいそぐ (to hurry)〜いでいそいで
〜すす (to lend)〜してして
〜ぶあそぶ (to play)あそんで

There's one important exception: the verb . Its て-form is って rather than いて, as would be expected.

The table above may seem overwhelming, but don't worry. You'll automatically develop a feel for this, and then applying these rules will happen without even thinking.

Check out the example sentences below using the て-form of Group 1 verbs.
