Question | Answer |
虫 | insect In the middle of your face there is one dot. It's an insect! |
風 | wind The wind is blowing so hard that it even bends the insects under the table. |
呂 | spine As you can see in this diagram, the slightly bent spine connects the mouth at the top of our body with the mouth at the bottom of our body. |
巾 | towel You've got an upside down box with a stick and a towel. |
帚 | broom A claw covered with a towel functions perfectly as a broom. |
帰 | return If you return someone to dust with your knife, you better clean up with your broom. |
豕 component | pig |
家 | house You know a very rich pig who has a crown and owns his own house. |
英 | England A plot of grass in the center of the sea, that's England. |
卒 | graduate Ten people put a lid on their student life when they graduate. |
灬 component | fire |
業 | business A business fires one sheep with animal legs. |
伝 | transmit To transmit a message, a person must say something. |
有 | have You have some scissors that you found on the moon. |
名 | name In the evening, a mouth speaks your name. |
原 | meadow Under a cliff, you see a white small meadow. |
丆 component | tea One bends the mind by drinking tea. |
頁 | page You drink tea with a shellfish to make sure you're on the same page. |
願 | request You request a meadow full of pages. |
力 | power You see one hook, and you bend it with your power. |
勉 | exertion Exertion is basically just the dismissal of power. |
弓 | bow This kanji looks just like a bow. |
強 | strong You are so strong with the bow because you privately use it to hunt insects. |
万 | ten thousand One wrap can hold ten thousand things. |
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